A Greek court has decided to release from custody the police officer who shot and killed a 16-year-old Roma man in Thessaloniki on December 5 after a chase over an unpaid gas bill, Greek media reported.
The policeman has been banned from leaving the country. The court of first instance in Thessaloniki approved the proposal of the investigation to release the 34-year-old police officer, Kathimerini newspaper reports, despite the opinion of the prosecutor’s office.
- Освободиха полицая, застрелял ромски младеж. In: Fakti. 19.12.2022. https://fakti.bg/world/740663-osvobodiha-policaa-zastrelal-romski-mladej
- Гръцкият съд освободи полицая, застрелял ромски младеж в Солун. In: BTA. 19.12.2022. https://www.bta.bg/bg/news/balkans/378987-gratskiyat-sad-osvobodi-politsaya-zastrelyal-romski-mladezh-v-solun
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