
Two articles in the aftermath of the ban of begging in Lausanne. One by a photographer, Yves Leresche, who has been taking picture of these beggars in both Switzerland and Romania, and the other, on the actual effects of banning beggars. The bans are actually bad and make matter worse.

– Yves Leresche: «je m’étonne de l’absence de débat sur la mendicité» In: La Côte. 30.09.2016. http://www.lacote.ch/articles/regions/vaud/yves-leresche-je-m-etonne-de-l-absence-de-debat-sur-la-mendicite-1-2-585162
– A Genève, le bilan inquiétant de la loi anti-mendicité. In: Le Courrier. 29.09.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/142819/a_geneve_le_bilan_inquietant_de_la_loi_anti_mendicite

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