Poland and Integration

According to Roman Kwiatkowski, the president of the Association of Rroma in Poland, the integration policies of the government for Rroma failed in several municipalities. Housing funds were used by mayors to buy houses for Rroma in other municipalities, thus trying to get rid of their local Rroma, and residents are often extremely opposed and combat plans to re-locate Rroma in proper housing.

– Romowie mają satysfakcję z „nicnierobienia” samorządów. In Sądeczanin. 13.02.2017. http://sadeczanin.info/wiadomosci/stowarzyszenie-romow-z-satysfakcja-przyjelo-nicnierobienie-samorzadow [link-preview url=”http://sadeczanin.info/wiadomosci/stowarzyszenie-romow-z-satysfakcja-przyjelo-nicnierobienie-samorzadow”]

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