Poland – Wrocław

On 22 July 2015 the city of Wrocław levelled the Roma settlement in ul. Paprotna. At the moment of demolition, the settlement consisted of five buildings. Families (adults and children) had been living in these houses since 2009. A complaint to the ECHR was filed in early 2016.

The Roma complainants did not know about the planned demolition of their homes. On the morning of July 22, they left their homes and they were demolished. Consequently, they lost their home and belongings. Some items (such as applaiances and stoves) were misappropriated, and the remaining property, including documents and medicines, was levelled to the ground and dumped into the nearby rubbish dump with the rubble.

The European Court of Human Rights is investigating the case and has send a series of questions to the Polish government.

– Skargi Romów na wyburzenie ich domów we Wrocławiu. In: Rzeczpospolita. 28.09.2017. http://www.rp.pl/Cudzoziemcy/309289966-Skargi-Romow-na-wyburzenie-ich-domow-we-Wroclawiu.html#ap-1
– Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka pyta o wyburzone domy wrocławskich Romów. In: Radio Wrocław. 26.09.2017. http://www.radiowroclaw.pl/articles/view/70779/Wraca-sprawa-wroclawskich-Romow-Europejski-Trybunal-Praw-Czlowieka-z-pismem-do-polskiego-rzadu
– Europa pyta o wrocławskich Romów. “Zniszczono cały ich dobytek”. In: Wyborca. 27.09.2017. http://wroclaw.wyborcza.pl/wroclaw/7,35771,22435229,europa-pyta-o-wroclawskich-romow-zniszczono-caly-ich-dobytek.html
– Polski rząd będzie się tłumaczyć z wyburzenia koczowiska Romów we Wrocławiu. In: Wrocław Onet. 28.09.2017. https://wroclaw.onet.pl/polski-rzad-bedzie-sie-tlumaczyc-z-wyburzenia-koczowiska-romow-we-wroclawiu/9fqk71k [link-preview url=”https://wroclaw.onet.pl/polski-rzad-bedzie-sie-tlumaczyc-z-wyburzenia-koczowiska-romow-we-wroclawiu/9fqk71k”]

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