A new book was recently published on the World War Two history of the Rivne region in the Ukraine. It presents the repression by the Soviet NKVD (the FSB and KGB) predecessor against Roma who had fled from Poland. In particular, the Lovara family Kwek (or Kvivk).
They were accused to be spies for the German.
- Поляки в УПА, репресії проти ромів і розсекречені справи: про що нова книга “Реабілітовані історією. Рівненська область”. In: Suspilne. 23.02.2025. https://suspilne.media/392552-polaki-v-upa-represii-proti-romiv-i-rozsekreceni-spravi-pro-so-nova-kniga-reabilitovani-istorieu-rivnenska-oblast/