Slovakia: Fico, Rroma, and a Change of Attitudes

Smer, the party of the Slovak prime minister Fico remains popular among Rroma. A large part of the 33 Rroma mayors in the country are in Smer.
But, lately Fico has made statements at his party gathering in Prešov stating that Rroma abuse social help and claimed he would stop it, that one needs to send the police into Rroma settlements, and other repressive measures.
Bad that it too swings towards the hard line of the extreme right. Bad for the half million Rroma in that country.

– Smer je medzi Rómami populárny. Fico aj tak vytiahol v boji o voliča protirómsku kartu. In: Opoštova Banka. 15.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

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