Slovakia: New Ombudsman

The current Slovak ombudsman Mária Patakyová’s term of office ended on March 29, due to disagreements within the governing coalition and the non-existent agreement on the name of a successor. This post has been vacant for more than seven months. And it still doesn’t look like the triple coalition is in agreement on one name.

Due to the absence of a new public defender of rights, the office has received more than 500 suggestions on the table that are waiting to be evaluated. The Institute of the Public Defender of Rights is an independent body whose mission is to protect the basic rights and freedoms of citizens from public administration bodies, but above all to draw attention to rights violations and request redress.

The plenum elects the ombudsman for five years from candidates proposed by at least 15 deputies. A majority of those present is sufficient for election, which, in the case of an agreement, could also work for the candidate of the minority coalition.