During discussions about the Roma inclusion in society in Prešov, the Slovak President Andrej Kiska stated that the Roma inclusion is a shame for Slovakia and that this is one of the country greatest challenge and most pressing problem.
Let’s hope something is done.
– Kiska označil osud Rómov za jednu z kapitol hanby Slovenska. In: SME. 25.01.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20746476/andrej-kiska-romovia-romska-problematika-hanba-slovenska.html
– Kiska má recept pre lepší život Rómov: Treba im dať vzdelanie, prácu a bývanie. In: Aktualne. 25.01.2018. https://aktualne.centrum.sk/slovensko/politika/kiska-ma-recept-lepsi-zivot-romov-treba-im-dat-vzdelanie-pracu-byvanie.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20746476/andrej-kiska-romovia-romska-problematika-hanba-slovenska.html “]