A Rom who filed a complaint against the police in Istanbul alleging they racially abused him, beat him and tortured him is facing charges of “insulting and resisting against the police officers”. He goes on trial today.
- ROMA TORTURED BY POLICE FACE CRIMINAL CHARGES BEFORE AN ISTANBUL COURT AFTER SEEKING JUSTICE AGAINST THEIR ABUSERS. In: ERRC. 16.01.2023. http://www.errc.org/news/roma-tortured-by-police-face-criminal-charges-before-an-istanbul-court-after-seeking-justice-against-their-abusers
- Roma family complaining about police officers made the suspect through counter-charges. In: English Bianet. 16.01.2023. https://m.bianet.org/english/human-rights/272884-roma-family-complaining-about-police-officers-made-the-suspect-through-counter-charges