On November 27, a mass fight took place in the village of Pidvynogradiv in Transcarpathia, involving several dozen men, during which one was killed with a shovel. The fight took place in a part of the village where Roma live. According to the know information, the fight occurred during the elections of a “baron” in the settlement.
According to the news, a 41 years old person was arrested for having organised the fight and weapons in advance.
- ПоліціязатрималащеодногофігурантамасовоїбійкиромівнаЗакарпатті. In: Ukrinform. 29.11.2023. https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-regions/3793013-policia-zatrimala-se-odnogo-figuranta-masovoi-bijki-romiv-na-zakarpatti.html#google_vignette
- В Закарпатье на выборах барона произошла массовая драка ромов, умер человек. In: Veti. 28.11.2023. https://vesti.ua/novosti-zakarpatja/v-zakarpate-na-vyborah-barona-proizoshla-massovaya-draka-romov-umer-chelovek