A reprint of a Guardian article in the Ukrainian press about Roma palaces in Hășdat.
Both articles pander to sterotypes…
- Дома-дворцы: почему богатые ромы строят только помпезное жилье. IN: 24 TV. 31.10.2024. https://24tv.ua/realestate24/ru/roskoshnye-doma-bogatyh-romov-pochemu-oni-strojat-tolko-dvorcy-nedvizhimost_n2675511
- Bring on the Vegas glitz! How Roma families are defying their persecutors with bling palaces. IN: THE GUARDIAN. 23.10.2024. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/oct/22/vegas-glitz-roma-families-persecutors-architectural-bling