
The young Roma girl who was wounded by an air gun pellet on July 17th in the street of Rome is at risk of paralysis and is still in hospital. Meanwhile, the police have arrested a man who is accused of having shot the girl.
This is what happens when you stir hate. Thank you Mr. Salvini.

– Man probed for wounding Roma girl. In: Ansa. 24.07.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/07/24/man-probed-for-wounding-roma-girl_8964726a-c6bb-4f8f-b827-2862d7f55d5c.html
– Bimba rom ferita rischia la paralisi: le ultime notizie sulle indagini. In: Roma Today. 20.07.2018. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/bambina-rom-ferita-rischia-paralisi.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/07/24/man-probed-for-wounding-roma-girl_8964726a-c6bb-4f8f-b827-2862d7f55d5c.html “]

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