01.11.2014 Lille: informal Rroma settlement evicted

Duthoit/Dufresne (2014) report on the eviction of an informal Rroma settlement in Lille. The camp accommodated about 30 people, who lived in sixteen caravans. The site was evicted at the request of the owner of the property, the Société Publique Locale. A comprehensive social diagnosis, which would have ensured the future accommodation of the families, was not applied: “A new evacuation of a Roma camp took place this Tuesday. The police operation began at 7:30 on the Rue de la chaude-Rivière, between Fives and the casino, and lasted three hours. The Roma were installed under the bridge of a bypass. As with any eviction of this type, the same scenes with families in extreme poverty were repeated; they find themselves on the street. In total, thirty people were evicted. “I do not know where we will go, moaned a family man. My five children are enrolled in school in Lille, what shall they do?” Regarding the sixteen caravans, which served as accommodation: the majority was in poor condition and were pulled onto the road by tow trucks.” – It must be emphasized that the evictions of the informal settlements massively complicate the long-term integration of the Rroma immigrants. Due to the expulsions, the existing problems and the integration question are simply moved from one location to the next, but not resolved. Particularly affected are children attending school, who are disturbed by the expulsions in their school curiculum and therefore in their future careers. Furthermore, with the media focus on the informal settlements, one creates impression that there are only lower class Rroma who are poorly educated. According to estimates of the Rroma Foundation, 100,000 to 500,000 Rroma live integrated and unobtrusively in the French society. They are completely ignored by the French public. The Rroma living in informal settlements, who recently immigrated from Eastern Europe – about 15,000 to 20’0000 people – only constitute a minority of all Rroma resident in France (compare Libert 2014, Nord Eclair 2014).
