10.05.2013 Šutka TV

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The first official Rroma TV channels, TV Šukta, was founded by Andrijano Dzeladin in September 2012 in his apartment in Paris. The native Macedonian felt misrepresented by the reporting of illegal Rroma settlements in in France and he decided to found his own TV station. The programs are designed to create a counterpart to the often one-sided coverage on Rroma and highlight the cultural diversity of this minority. The only drawback is that all programs are broadcasted in Rromanes and thus the majority society with its distorted view on Rroma will not be touched. The channel, initially produced only by Dzeladin and a station employee, focuses on musical, cultural and culinary programs and can be seen on http://www.livestream.com/tvsutka the Internet (Boitiaux 2013).


  • Boitiaux, Charlotte (2013) Live from a Paris apartment, the first Roma TV station. In: France 24 vom 9.5.2013. 