19.04.2013 Relocation of Rroma Settlement in France

20minutes (2013) reports on the relocation of illegal Roma settlement. The inhabitants, who, according to the newspaper, managed to settle down successfully in the new location, criticized the lack of cooperation from the authorities. There was a clear discrepancy between the promises of the politicians and the executing officials. The cooperative Latcho Rom stated: „[On regrette]  décalage entre le discours du maire et l’application par le service qui gère les campements. On ne comprend pas le temps que ça nécessite pour faire quelque chose qu’on a envie de faire“. [We regret the discrepancy between the mayor’ statements and the execution by the service responsible for the settlements.  We do not understand the time it takes to achieve something we all want to do.]

Leclerc (2013) reports on the resettlement of Roma families in Ris-Orangis, a suburb of Paris. The prefect responsible must appear in court as when clearing this Rroma settlement, he went against EU law. Accordingly the law, the Prefect should have provided alternative lodgings for the victims and an overall socially acceptable solution, but that did not happen. If the ruling goes against the mayor, the state will be forced to pay the affected people 75 Euro per day and person. At the same time, the mayor of Mont d’Hautmont, Joël Wilmotte protested vehemently against the plan to build a Roma settlement in his district.

In the Rhone-Alpes region, the local Ombudsman Jean-François Carenco was condemned by a judgment of the Court of Lyon, on April 4th, to find a re-accommodation for evicted Rroma. He had previously preferred to pay 75 euro per day as compensation instead of finding them a proper accommodation. In the first three months of 2013, about four thousand Rroma in France were forced to leave their homes due to foreclosures and about a thousand because of aggression against their houses or because of fires (Le Monde, 2013).

Midi Libre (2013) give the conservative Marie Le Pen a voice: The losing presidential candidate criticized the French government for his Rroma policy. The state is being blackmailed by Rroma who are deliberately setting their settlements on fire to get new houses and lodging from the state for free. This representation of Ms. Le Pen can only be described as absurd and racist. The Rroma have no interest to discriminate against themselves and chases themselves away.

France 3 (2013) reports on the forced resettlement of Rroma in Fontaine. The affected families had previously wintered in mobile homes provided for free that are now dismantled. The families were not informed of the impending removal of the containers and now have problems to organize new accommodations on the fly. Three of them were sent to hospital in Grenoble, where they are seeking asylum, more in the direction of l’Isle d’Abeau. Most of them do not want to leave the temporary living quarters.

Vincent (2013) reported on the controversial and contradictory attitude of the French state towards the Rroma communities in France. The Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has written a position paper that requires the reduction of forced evictions of Rroma settlements,  a paper signed by seven other ministers. With the end of the winter grace period at the end of March, the problem of the settlements will now again be a key topic. The debate in the position paper focuses on the question of the integration of Rroma. A decree requires the prefects wanting to evict Rroma settlement to send qualified personnel to evaluate the integration “potential” of the local Rroma. This should avoid violent evictions without successful relocation or at least reduce them to a minimum. The application of the new procedure varied quite a lot. Sometimes the evaluation had been made, sometimes not, and sometimes right before the evictions. The diagnosis should allow to better integrate individual Rroma in the workforce and in public institutions. Liberal find the focus on Rroma exaggerated and one-sided. Others ask for more patience and money regarding the successful integration of Rroma, which could take many years to complete and thus state that for that very reason, such settlements should be tolerated. A third group considers it imperative to evict the Rroma and clear the settlements in order to force Rroma to a faster respect of municipal laws.

Besse (2013) reported of a trial in a school in Madeleine to introduce a class for non-scholarised Rroma children. The plan was met neither by a categorical rejection nor by open enthusiasm on the parents’ side. However, two leading local politicians disagree. The school administration is decidedly for the introduction of a class and thus hopes to contribute to a better integration of this ethnic group. The school administration declared:

La direction a souhaité rassurer les parents présents, qui ont pu faire part de leurs inquiétudes, et a rappelé que tout enfant présent sur le sol français avait droit à une scolarisation, explique le groupement. Cette classe d’insertion peut être une chance pour apprendre à connaître l’autre et mieux vivre ensemble. Nous remercions la direction de sa participation à cette réunion. [The school director would like to reassure the present parents who had the opportunity to share their concerns, and stated that every child present on French soil was entitled to an education, says the group. This insertion class can be a chance to get to know each other better and live together. We thank the management of its participation in this meeting.]


  • France 3 (2013) Fin de trêve hivernale : Les associations dénoncent les conditions de “déménagement” des Roms de Fontaine. In: France 3 vom 16.4.2013.
  • Ighirri, Alexia (2013) Du mieux pour les Roms, mais… In: 20minutes France vom 18.4.2013. 
  • Le Monde (2013) Le préfet du Rhône se résout à reloger les Roms expulses. In: Le Monde vom 10.4.2013.
  • Leclerc, Jean-Marc (2013) Les préfets contraints de reloger les Roms. In: Le Figaro vom 14.4.2013.
  • Midi Libre (2013) Marine Le Pen reproche à nouveau à l’Etat de se laisser abuser par les Roms. In: Midi Libre vom 17.4.2013.
  • Vincent, Elise (2013) Schizophrénie gouvernementale sur les Roms. In: Le Monde vom 6.4.2013. 