Daily Archives: August 9, 2013

09.08.2013 The Importance of Education for a Successful Integration

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George Pau-Langevin, the French Minister of Education, discussed in an article in the French Huffington Post the importance of education in a successful integration of Rroma. The Minister of Education criticised that the camps’ evictions stood at the centre of media attention. The successful integration of Rroma in the education should stand at the centre of public interest. The equal and egalitarian access to education is the crucial first step towards integration of Rroma: “L’école pour tous n’est pas un credo démagogique, mais une expression du principe d’égalité sur lequel repose notre démocratie. Il est difficile de rompre avec des décennies, voire des siècles d’indifférence et d’exclusion vis-à-vis des familles Roms. Il s’agit néanmoins d’une obligation pour notre gouvernement, qui assume en la matière une politique courageuse et volontariste, tendant notamment à assurer l’accès à l’École à des enfants en grande précarité” [School for everyone is not a demagogical credo, but the expression of the equality principle on which our democracy is built. It is difficult to break from decades, or even centuries of exclusions of Rroma families. It is nevertheless an obligation for our government, which, in this matter, assumes a courageous and militant politic to ensure school access to children living in precarious conditions.] (Pau-Langevin, 2013).

  • Pau-Langevin, George (2013) Sur la scolarisation des enfants roms. In: Huffington Post France online vom 9.7.2013. 

09.08.2013 Rroma Murders in Hungary: Four Right-Wing Extremists Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

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Odehnal (2013) reports on the judgment in the ongoing process against four right-wing radicals that has been ongoing for several years. The defendants are accused of having deliberately killed six Rroma. The judgments of the judges, three life sentences without parole and one thirteen years sentence, are not yet final because of the defence resource. Theses right wing activists, in a series of attacks, had set fire to the Rroma houses and shot at the people fleeing from the fire. Only by analyzing mobile phone data of the defendants could it be proved that they were at the times in question near the crime scenes. However, the trial does not address the dubious role of the local police. Odehnal comments: “As the German executive following neo-Nazi murders, the Hungarians first investigated feuds amongst the victims. […] In Tatarszentgyörgy the police suspected a faulty heater as a trigger of the fire, although there were shell casings at the scene everywhere.” Representatives of the Fidesz party pushed the responsibility for the lack of investigation on the incumbent Socialist Party in power at that time.

In his comments, Odehnal (2013/II) is sceptical about the social resonance of these sentences. In the Czech Republic, after a similar trial, there were increased marches of right-wing members and incitement against Rroma. Odehnal sees as a problem for the missing results of integration that the political elite of Hungary and other Eastern European states has not been held accountable for not acting against racism in their own countries. Thus, Rroma were sidelined as before, in spite of funding from foundations, the EU, and Switzerland.

Baumann (2013) adds that the victims’ relatives accused the local police of serious corruption in the investigation of the murders. They tried to cover up evidence. Even the racist motives behind these actions were not at all part of the process. The secret service failed to monitor two of the offenders until shortly before the crime. Eng (2013) adds that the perpetrators are supposed to have planned the murders after a dispute with Rroma.

The Basler Zeitung (2013) describes the sentencing more precisely: Two of the four defendants asked the court to not have to listen to the verdict. They were then led back to their cells. The judgment is only the first instance one and can be challenged in higher courts.

Ozsváth (2013) gives a voice to the families of the victims in his report. They are still stunned by the perpetrators lack of repentance and by the dysfunctional police investigation: They even contributed actively to the elimination of proofs.

Civil rights leader Aladar Horvath himself Rrom, see the court’s judgment as appropriate, but states that the crucial issues have not been discussed: the racism that motivated the killings and the objectives in connection therewith: “The sentences have been very high, and that is appropriate for the actions. Unfortunately, however, they were imposed only for simple murder motives. The indictment stated that the killers wanted to spark a civil war. They should have been charged with crimes against humanity and terrorism with the aim of genocide.” While Hungary denies its own past, as Horváth states further, racist murders are possible again. According to Horváth, Hungary’s role in World War II and the crimes of the communist dictatorship were processed insufficiently (Verseck 2013).

Kerenyi (2013) sees the sentences of the four right-wing as being just the tip of the iceberg of a total social phenomenon: According to a new poll, 80 to 85 percent of the population were “overtly or covertly racist against Roma”, 36 percent are committed explicitly to that Roma should be “separated from the rest of society,” that is, should be moved or deported to ghettos. A particular concern is that pejorative comments about Rroma belong to the current fashion educated circles. Kerenyi assessment of Culture Minister Zoltan Balog is also interesting. Balog, who held a flowering lecture on the Hungarian efforts to integrate the Rroma at the beginning of the summer at the University of Zurich, in which in spite of all the eloquence raised serious questions about the congruence of reality and his statements. Kerenyi comments: “Balog is a contradictory personality through and through. He belongs to the temperate wing of Orbán’s team, which does not prevent him to grant regularly honours to racists and anti-Semits.” Also, the condemned right-wing radicals are only a part of the perpetrators, who committed a series of assassinations of Rroma between 2008 and 2009. These offenders were up to now neither identified nor prosecuted.

Balzer (2013) spoke to the Hungarian journalist Szilvia Varró about the social backgrounds of the Rroma murders. A large part of the Hungarians, by far not only right-wing extremists, have great reservations about Rroma. Moreover, it is common to simply ignore radical or controversial events: “Racism and resentment were a problem already earlier. We Hungarians have never dealt with our past. Not with our role in the Second World War, not with the revolution of 1956 and even with the series of murders against Roma.” Most Hungarian media have not reported about the murders. Varró then started a project together with the filmmaker András B. Vágvölgyi: Actors known in Hungary were hired to retell the story of the action and the statements of the relatives. This piqued the interest of the usually apolitical tabloids of Hungary. While the reactions from the right side were understandably negative, the echo of otherwise indifferent people was positive: They started to be interested in the topic and question ethnic categorizations: What if it was her son who had been shot? The state media did not pay any attention to the movies. The above-mentioned films can be watched under the following links:

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMjVjZDx7ug

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5z9aVB0Ktc

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzc2N9MirPI

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrWahe1pCWY

  • Basler Zeitung (2013) Roma-Mörder verliessen während Urteilsbegründung den Saal. In: Basler Zeitung online vom 6.8.2013.
  • Baumann, Meret (2013) Hohe Strafen für Rechtsextremisten in Ungarn. In: NZZ online von 6.8.2013.
  • Eng, Adrian (2013) Lebenslang für Mordserie an Roma in Ungarn. In: 20 Minunten Schweiz online vom 6.8.2013.
  • Kerényi, Gábor (2013) Auch die feine Gesellschaft schimpft über die “Zigeuner”. In: Berliner Zeitung online vom 9.8.2013.
  • Odehnal, Bernhard (2013) Haft für das rassistische Quartett. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom  6.8.2013. 
  • Odehnal, Bernhard (2013/II) Ungestrafter Rassismus in der Politik. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom  7.8.2013. 
  • Ozsváth, Stephan (2013) Ermordet wie auf einer Jagd. In: Tagesschau online vom 6.8.2013.
  • Verseck, Keno (2013) Roma-Mordurteile in Ungarn: “Ein Zigeunerleben ist nicht so viel wert”. In: Spiegel online vom 6.8.2013. 

09.08.2013 Rroma Debate in Germany

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Hoock (2013) reports on the Rroma lawyer Nizaqete Bislimi, as being a positive example of a successful integration. Her family fled in 1993 from Kosovo to Germany before the war in Yugoslavia. Even before, the parents had only spoken Albanian with their children in order not to make them outcasts in school. Then followed 13 years with unclear status as a refugee: The fear of being deported always there. Through the support of friends, Bislimi could finally study law and obtained in 2006 a residence permit following a humanitarian action. It takes a very critical perspective on the current debate about Rroma in Germany: Quick Solutions, as propagated by various politicians are to be critically questioned. People and their fates need to be at the centre: “The lawyer advises all who offer quick solutions on the Roma problem to meet the people at eye level. Each has its own story and is in Germany because he has no chance at a decent life in Romania or Serbia. “Be a human being – that’s what counts.””

  • Hoock, Silke (2013) Eine Roma mit starkem Willen – ein starkes Beispiel für Integration. In: Der Westen online vom 7.8.2013. 

09.08.2013 Dispute over Water in the Northern Hungarian Town Ozd

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In the northern Hungarian Town of Ozd, a dispute over drinking water arose. The city administration turned off drinking water to the local Rroma. The reason: they are wasting public commodities. Particular point of contention: the government of Ozd received one and a half million forints for the water supply of the Rroma quarters in qustion by the Swiss Confederation. In Ozd, during summer days, temperatures rise to over 37 degrees in the shade. The Fidesz party, currently ruling in Ozd, is repeatedly accused to promote policies that are against Rroma (Schroeder 2013).

The Tagesanzeiger (2013) adds that the Swiss government planned to finance the building of a water supply for 7 million Swiss francs in the Rroma quarter. We need to note that this is a huge sum by Hungarian standards and that its effective use should be investigated prior to funding. The project was on the verge of implementation: “The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) confirmed that Switzerland finances, in the context of the EU enlargement contributions to Hungary, several infrastructure projects, including the drinking water system in Ozd totaling more than 7 million francs. With this project, which stands now just before its implementation phase, Switzerland wants to achieve, among other things, a sustainable water supply for the Roma population, wrote the EDA.”

Human rights activists and social workers on site describe the situation as dramatic: Especially Women and children are particularly affected by limited access to safe drinking water. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) gave to understand that the Hungarian project partners who will create the water supply financed by Switzerland, had assured that all city residents would have access to drinking water. How local circumstances actually look like remains unclear. With some doubts remaining,  one should pay more attention to critical descriptions (Tagesanzeiger,  2013/II).

Baumann (2013) substantiated the charge that the city of Ozd had decided in June to close 27 of the public water sources and to reduce the overall pressure. According to local authorities, it is possible as before, to get free water every 150 meters. The Rroma living in Ozd have no running water in their homes, so they depend on the availability of water at public facilities. The real issue therefore appears to be getting water without payment.

Knopf (2013) clarifies the reports with the note, that the order of Interior Minister Sandor Pinter means that most hydrants were reopened in Ozd. The reopening of the water supply affects all residents of Ozd and not just Rroma. At issue is a redevelopment of the entire water supply system. The EDA stated it awaits the the result of the investigation of Hungarian Ombudsman for fundamental rights.

Odehnal (2013/III) adds in his article dated 9 August, that only 15 of the 27 blocked water pumps were reopened and that the water pressure was reduced from 50 to five litres per minute. Moreover, only the main water pipes of the village were renewed. The connection  of the houses to the water mains has to be paid by the home owners themselves. According to Odehnal, this is a crucial point, as almost none of the Rroma in Ozd have water connections in their homes. They thus will not benefit from the Swiss aid project. In addition to the cost of a private water supply there is the hurdle of mandatory reporting: Many Roma pay rent, but live illegally in their homes. Without registration form, it is not possible to apply for a water connection. Odehnal comments succinctly at the end of the article: “When the steel mill was still in operation, Ozd spent 6 million cubic meters of water a year. Today, it is approximately 1.3 million. The reservoir and the lines are still designed for the old sets. Water shortage? The workers of the water company laugh, “No, that is something that never happened here.”“

  • Baumann, Meret (2013) Streit um Wasserversorgung – EDA wartet ab. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 7.8.2013.
  • Knopf, Simon (2013) Roma von Ozd sollen wieder Wasser bekommen. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 7.8.2013.
  • Odehnal, Bernhard (2013/III) Wer einen Wasseranschluss will, muss zahlen. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 9.8.2013.
  • Schröder, Alvin (2013) Trotz Hitzewelle: Ungarische Stadt stoppt Wasserversorgung für Roma. In: Spiegel online vom 5.8.2013.
  • Tagesanzeiger (2013) Kein Wasser für Rroma. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 5.8.2013.
  • Tagesanzeiger (2013/II) Schweizer Geld für die Stadt, die den Roma die Brunnen stilllegte. In: Tagesanzeiger online vom 6.8.2013. 

09.08.2013 Anti-Rroma pogroms in the Czech Republic

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The Praguer Zeitung (2013) reports new anti-Rroma pogroms in the Czech Republic. In Vítkov, about three hundred protesters, many of them from the right-wing came together to demonstrate “for the rights of all decent citizens.” The demonstrators denounced the racism against the white population and propagated slogans such as “the Czech Republic for Czechs”. With several arson attacks on Rroma four years ago, Vítkov has become a symbol for anti-Romany actions.

Schmidt (2013) also draws a gloomy picture of the relation of ethnic Czechs towards Rroma: There were again anti Rroma pogroms in Vitkov this Saturday. Particularly insidious is the fact that the Hungarian railways even provided extra trains for demonstrators of the radical right. In Vitkov, several Rroma were victims of arson attacks four years ago. A girl suffered serious burn injuries and barely survived. She now suffers from persistent anxiety states. Schmidt sees the pogroms as an indication of a worrysome state: The negative attitude towards Roma is supported by a significant part of the Czech majority society: “When the Neonazis sit again in their trains, native “whites” still shout anti-Roma slogans. Normal people, pensioners, families with children. An elderly woman says “The speakers at the rally were right,” about the rioting extreme rightists, and she feels “disturbed” by the Roma she adds. It is not an isolated case.” When open hatred towards Rroma is experiencing wider social support, democracy is threatened in the Czech Republic, as stated by the Czech domestic intelligence agency. Sociologists see the sources of this increasingly socially acceptable  xenophobia among others during the economic crisis: The insecurity on livelihoods of a large middle and lower classes fed the idea that Rroma were coddled by the state.

According to Amnesty International (2013), the European Centre for Human Rights identified nine anti-Rroma pogroms in the Czech Republic since April this year. Several instances are concerned about the increasing animosity towards Rroma in the Czech Republic.

  • Amnesty International (2013) République tchèque. Il faut protéger les Roms qui risquent d’être victimes de violences avant le début des manifestations d’extrême droite. In: Amnesty International France online vom 2.8.2013.
  • Prager Zeitung (2013) Erneuter Aufmarsch gegen Roma. In: Prager Zeitung online vom 7.8.2013.
  • Schmidt, Hans-Jörg (2013) In Tschechien eskaliert der Hass gegen die Roma. In: Die Welt online vom 4.8.2013. 