Daily Archives: March 19, 2015

Hungarian Rroma leaders complain to EU for ethnic cleansing

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Hungarian Rroma leaders complain to EU for ethnic cleansing

Hungarian Rroma leaders have started a petition to the EU protesting against the ethnic cleansing that took place in Miskolc. In that eastern Hungarian city, Rroma residents were forcefully expelled from a neighbourhood to make space for the parking lot of a football stadium. This stadium – like many of its siblings being in funded in part by the EU, the Rroma leaders argue that the EU bears a moral responsibility to act.

We cannot but agree there!

Amnesty International slams segregation of Rroma in schools in Slovakia

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Amnesty International slams segregation of Rroma in schools in Slovakia

Three years ago, a landmark judgement found that Slovakia was discriminating Rroma children with the practice of having segregated schools. A report from Amnesty International reveals now that the situation has far from improved. This is due to the introduction of so-called “container schools” are installed in predominantly Rroma settlement, and are attended exclusively by Rroma children, the non Rroma population preferring to send their children to other schools. This is no longer segregation, this is total isolation …

Černušáková, Barbora. Slovakia’s ‘container schools’ worsen segregation of Roma children from society. In: Amnesty International Blog. 13.03.2015. https://www.amnesty.org/en/articles/blogs/2015/03/slovakia-segretation-of-roma-schoolchildren-worsens/

Swedish Police condemned

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Swedish Police condemned

The Swedish police was caught a while back in 2013 running an illegal registry of Rroma that comprised over 4’700 individuals. Sweden’s Parliamentary Ombudsman (‘Justitieombudsmannen’) issued a sharp criticism of the police on that topic and requested that each of the registered person receive 5’000 Kronor ($ 768).

The French speaking Swiss press equates Rroma with poor migrants

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The French speaking Swiss press equates Rroma with poor migrants

The newspaper “La Liberté” in a series of recent articles equates Rroma with poor migrants who come to Switzerland to beg. There is no differentiation, and the implicit ethnicisation of a social problem and the projection thereof on all Rroma is simply not acceptable.

They also mention the exhibition from Yves Leresche, a photographer who has captured many shantytowns and who shows the poor face of Rroma. All in all, this re-inforces the negative views that are already prevailing among the general population.

When one thinks that all the beggars, prostitutes and thieves in Switzerland number less than a thousand, which is not even 1.5% of the Rroma population of the country, one sees how far these views are from reality.

Shantytowns in Lyon: A reportage from the Swiss television

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The Swiss television “Mise au Point” presented a reportage on the Rroma shantytowns outside of Lyon. Beside the obvious fact that they forget to say that this is a very small minority of migrants, less than 15’000 over all of France (against ca. 500’000 integrated Rroma), the commentaries of the neighbours are really really scary. Listen …
