Daily Archives: April 19, 2015

Critics already started on the European Roma Institute

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Critics already started on the European Roma Institute

Several critiques were already aimed at the newly created European Roma Institute, especially. Yaron Matras, a renowned linguist and Rroma specialist led the charge: It already questions the “Roma led” side of the initiative; lobs a few well aimed barbs at the “Roma Decade” also initiated in part by the Open Society Foundations and a de facto failure; but mostly fears that such an institute would prevent free academic research, as people who were meant to be part of the ERI, openly criticised the fact that research so far has been devoid of Rroma input and scholars, and is thus biased.

We can side with the concerns of the academics, as such an institute can easily turn into a watchdog for political correctness, on the other hand, we have to side with the ERI, saying that many scholar writing on Rroma wrote fairly idiotic thing too, and in total impunity. This is not to say that all research is bad, but it is often very limited (a small group in a specific country), and perpetuates fake research such as the one from Wlysslocky, a 19th century “scholar” who wrote totally inept facts but is still cited by all scholars…

So let’s hope and see!

Creation of a European Roma Institute

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Creation of a European Roma Institute

The Open Society institute, together with the European Union announced the creation of a European Roma Institute, aimed at celebrating and showcasing the rich Rroma culture.

According to George Soros, “the Institute will celebrate Romani heritage while also recording the Romani experience and acting as a vibrant creative hub. It will be a place for Roma in the arts to work together and connect with the creative community across Europe for the exchange and development of ideas. Through its events, exhibitions, and performances the Institute will seek to educate the wider public on the richness and greatness of Roma culture and achievement. Institutionally, it will also act as a policy advisor to the Council of Europe and member states, seeking to establish partnerships with similar bodies around the world.”

The key element lies in the last point. If it can successfully influence policies in Europe and contribute to diminish the stigma still associated with this minority, then, this is great. Otherwise, critics such as Yaron Matras (see below) may well prove to be right.

Zigeuner / Gypsy

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Zigeuner / Gypsy

The German Paper the TAZ launched a controversy when they published an article entitled “Political Correctness: Me, a Gypsy” (Politische Korrektheit; Ich, Zigeuner). The author, starting with the “Zigeunerschnitzel” argues that in some countries, such as in Hungary, Rroma call themselves Cigany, so – Tsigan / Gypsy. There is thus nothing bad in using the word, it depends on its utilisation, as in any other case.

The article is written by a young intern from Hungary, Tobor Racz who is a Cigan … It prompted some fiery reactions from various quarters, most notably from the page “Sag Nicht Zigeuner.

Turkish article criticises Italy, France, and Serbia on Roma

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An article in Daily Sabah, a Turkish based paper, sharply criticised the handling of Rroma in Italy, France, and in Serbia. Especially on the Italian side, their critique is to the point and seldom mentioned in the Press in Europe: Namely that in many cases in that country, Rroma are artificially segregated into camps and prevented from integrating. Police and NGO are working hand in hands on this. And these Rroma in camps are only a minority … Like iN France.

Sulukule: Gentrification is stopped

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Sulukule: Gentrification is stopped

Years after Rroma were expelled from their oldest settlement in Europe, from the neighbourhood of Sulukule in Istanbul, the plans from the ruling AK party who intended to gentrify that part of town have now been cancelled.

This stop follows a ruling of the court of appeal against the government-based project. The court basically did not accept the government arguments that the development plans were for the good of the public.

Bravo, but pity it took so long, as Rroma are now mostly gone.

Documentary on Rroma in Bulgaria

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Documentary on Rroma in Bulgaria

Gregori Stoev filmed for a year in the Mahala – the Rroma quarter – of Kjustendil, a city in Bulgaria. This documentary shatters the usual stereotypes of poverty, hopelessness, and shows that the neighbourhood also has middle class and even rich Rroma who are working, have education, etc.

According to the author, people who have seen the movie have had to re-think their views on Rroma.

European Roma and Traveller Forum in Slovenia

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A round table with the European Roma and Traveller Forum criticized the lack of access to drinking water in some of the Rroma settlement in Slovenia. It is to be noted that Slovenia has a tiny Rroma minority.

Canada Mission to Miskolc, Hungary

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Canada Mission to Miskolc, Hungary

An official Cancadian delegation is currently visiting Hungary to understand the reasons and true situation of the 40 to 50 families from the region who fled Miskolc and asked for asylum in Canada. This exodus is due to the expulsion currently under way in a Rroma neighbourhood, to make way for a parking lot for a football stadium. Rroma were pushed outside of the city. This action initiated by the mayor has already generated quite a bit of noise. Let’s see what the Canadian officials come back with, and let’s hope that they will see these were illegal expulsions.

Meanwhile, Canada expulsed a Hungarian criminal kingpin who trafficked people into Canada, coaching them to tell they were persecuted Rroma. Neither he nor most of his victims were Rroma …

Green Party sues Rroma Autonomy in Hungary

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The Green party (LMP) is currently suing the Roma Autonomy, the Rroma self Government on Hungary for lack of transparency. They had requested information as allowed by the law but have not yet received anything.

The Roma Autonomy has been shrouded in controversy. One of his previous heads in under investigation, the current one is close to the Orban government, and anyhow the effectiveness of this organisation is far from proven.

England: Rroma accused of Human Trafficking

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England: Rroma accused of Human Trafficking

The Daily mail published a lurid article on a Rroma family who trafficked Czech immigrants and who were subsequently forced into effective slavery and mistreatment.

Human trafficking is a criminal offense and we fully condemn the acts of that family. However, the Daily Mail, by stressing the ethnicity of the offenders further the amalgamation in the public of Rroma to criminal migrants. This is totally racist and should not be tolerated.

France: Expulsions, as usual … But also solidarity

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France: Expulsions, as usual … But also solidarity

In Hautbourdin, in France, the Mayor evacuated the local Rroma camp by dumping three truckloads of manure according to international press or mud, according to the French sources. The camp in the North of France was under evacuation order, nevertheless, the actions of the municipality go beyond decency and legality.

Volunteers and people showing solidarity went to the camp and plated crosses in the fresh mud.

Another camp was expulsed in Bron, in the Rhone region and another one in Henin-Beaumont, also in the North, while in the Grenoble region, they report on a large camp with an evangelical preacher.

Finally, in Sevran, a round table and a festival has been organised to explain who the Rroma in France truly are. The round table, held on the 17th, had a minister and several Rroma activists.

ERRC Criticises several countries on Rroma

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ERRC Criticises several countries on Rroma

The European Roma Right Centre criticised several European countries on their handling of Rroma in general and on very particular cases too, such as in the case of France.

France, Macedonia, Italy, Czech Republic, and Bulgaria were cited.

Testimony of a Romanian Rromni

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Testimony of a Romanian Rromni

A Romanian Rromni speaks out on past discriminations, current issues, and her views on the situation of Rroma. She says it right: You cannot dump people in camps and then say, it is their way of life. It is not.
