Monthly Archives: May 2015

Travellers in Switzerland

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Travellers in Switzerland

The Swiss Travellers, the Jenische, are currently making the headlines in Switzerland. One of their organisations, the so-called “Bewegung” [Movement] has occupied an unused parcel in the city of Zurich to protest for the lack of camping places for travellers in the Canton and city of Zurich. This new organisation also walked out of a working group covering other Jenische and Rroma organisations and the Swiss Federal Authorities, stating that this working group was far to slow (due to complete in 2018) and anyhow was more of an alibi exercise.

The acute lack of camping places has led to other occupations, for example in Basle, but also to some excesses whereby the Swiss Jenische want “segregated” places, i.e. want foreign travellers and Rroma be quartered in other places. The rationale is that the foreign travellers do not comply to the rather strict Swiss regulations. In our opinion, this is not a reason to warrant segregation. This can be resolved by enforcement. But fact is: Lack of space leads to disputes and to such statements.

Graduate Level Education for Rroma

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Graduate Level Education for Rroma

Many young Rroma are rebelling against so-called scientific evidence on and about Rroma. They are rebelling against statements such as “that Roma mothers willingly accept evaluation of their children as mentally disabled so that they can reap social benefits” found in a Serbian scientific journal. The Central European University is starting a program of graduate studies aimed at young Rroma so that they can contradict such nonsense from the inside!

All the luck to them!

French “Normality”: Summer expulsions

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French “Normality”: Summer expulsions

The French Press is again full of news on forced eviction of illegal Rroma camps in France. This is nearly the only news that is given about Rroma in France.

Several articles are devoted to the evacuation of the camp in Saint-Herblain near Nantes. In this case, these are to a large extent French Rroma / Manouches, and not newer migrants from Romania and Bulgaria.

Other than that, a camp emptied in Argenteuil; another one in Limeil-Brévannes; one in Bonneuil-Limeil; while a Rroma camp is blocking the reconversion of a former prison in Loos; and in Ivry, Rroma are appealing against an imminent expulsion. Finally, Rroma who were recently expulsed are asking the prefect for new lodging, as is required by the French law prior to an eviction.

Holocaust and Rroma

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Holocaust and Rroma

In the context of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, Martin Schulz visited Auschwitz and paid tribute to the victims of the camp, among which were many Rroma.

A novel, “Jacob’s Colour” speaks about the Rroma holocaust. A long reviews on the book has been written in the Guardian. Unfortunately, the use the “Porrajmos” terms, which is not used by Rroma generally but was introduced by scholars. This choice of word, which denotes rape in Vlax dialects is a misnomer for the Holocaust.

French Prefect in front of tribunal

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French Prefect in front of tribunal

The prefect of Lyon, Mr. Michel Delpuech, has to appear in front the administrative tribunal of Lyon following a complaint from about 60 Romanian Rroma who were expulsed from their illegal camp by order of the prefect. There is a further complaint from Kosovars and Albanians for the same reason. The Prefecture states that there is no legal basis for asking to be re-lodged, as this is purely required for asylum seekers and not for EU citizen.

We hope he gets convicted…

We are Gypsies, and are not like Rroma

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We are Gypsies, and are not like Rroma

Reportage on French Gitans (Gitanos) in Montpellier facing off the new immigrants. As in Germany, one has a similar reaction: We are Gitanos, they are [foreign] Rroma. We are not like them … This is the same as the Sinti in the famous Sinti and Rroma … While this is perfectly understandable, this should not be taken as a “truth”. Gitanos, Manouches, Sinti, and about 40 different other groups are all Rroma.

France: Integration is also possible

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France: Integration is also possible

An nice article on a young Rrom from Romania who managed to get out of the camps, get a job, a flat, and a nearly normal life.

It shows that in spite of Mr. Valls’ statement that Rroma cannot integrate that they do, given the chance.

Hungarian Rroma Murders – Conviction upheld

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Hungarian Rroma Murders – Conviction upheld

The appellate court in Budapest upheld the first instance judgment against the perpetrators of the hate crimes against Rroma in Hungary. Three of the perpetrators are sentenced to life without parole, while another forth one to 13 years in Prison.

European Commission slams Slovakia

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European Commission slams Slovakia

The European Commission criticised Slovakia for systematic discrimination of Rroma children in education. It started legal proceedings for breaches of EU anti-discrimination law, referring to discrimination against Roma children in education. After the Czech Republic where such a procedure was started in September 2014, this is the second country in Europe that is being targeted.

Segregation in schools has been common in both the Czech and Slovak republics, but also exists in Romania and in Hungary. The practice of sending Rroma children systematically to schools for mentally disabled people is unfortunately also part of this pattern.

We welcome these actions!

Slovak Police trains their Czech counterparts

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Slovak Police trains their Czech counterparts

The Slovak police is training their Czech counterparts in dealing with the Rroma minority. Looking back at the latest scandals in Slovakia where police brutality against Rroma is common and widespread, one can ask whether this is really a good idea.

Romania: Between poverty and the hope of integration

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Romania: Between poverty and the hope of integration

Swissinfo reports on Swiss help for Rroma in villages in Romania and on the fact that the Swiss government is making Rroma a priority for their foreign aid, especially to Romania and Bulgaria.

The report focuses on an initiative of Terre des Hommes, funded by the Swiss government in several villages in South Western Romania.

Is one allowed to say “Gypsy” or “Zigeuner”?

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Is one allowed to say “Gypsy” or “Zigeuner”?

The Stern wrote an article on the usage of the word “Zigeuner” [Gypsy] and the controversy on that topic that arose in the last few weeks. They refer to the discussion the TV discussion panel “Hart aber Fair” [Hard but fair] on the topic burglaries. During that discussion, some of the participants used the terms of “Zigeunertrick” [Gypsy trick] or of “Zigeunerkönig” [Gypsy king] whereby a discussion followed on the use of the word Zigeuner. This is reminiscent of the discussion in the TAZ (see blog post on this topic) on that very same question. Here, the Stern states that the word is used by Rroma in many countries, and cites Rolf Bauerdick on that topic, and adds that the word is also fraught with shame. They also add with a somewhat twisted logic, that the term “Roma and Sinti” is false. Their main claim is that the new arrivals in Germany are certainly not Sinti. But they miss the point that Sinti, like all the other groups are also Rroma …