Daily Archives: August 4, 2015

More on August 2nd

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More articles on the August 2nd commemorations of the Rroma Holocaust. In Maribor, Slovenia; in Leipzig; in Vienna; in Ireland; in Slovakia, where the government proxy for Rroma questions gave a message; and in the EU, with a message from the commission.

Only 1.5% …

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A recent study on the EU subsidies to Roma communities in the Balkan showed that only 1.5% of the aid was aimed at integration. Apparently, programs had “shortcomings”.


Rroma’s plight emphasised on August 2nd

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On the Rroma and Sinti Holocaust Remembrance Day, Europe’s top human right official emphasised the plight faced by many Rroma in Europe to this day with continuing discrimination. This needs to change!

August 2nd: International day of remembrance of the Holocaust on Rroma and Sinti

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The 2nd of August is the official international day of remembrance of the Holocaust on Rroma and Sinti. Several organisations (here just as a sample) are planning commemorations in Germany and Austria.

Interview with Romani Rose

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Another interview with Romani Rose, president of the German central council of Sinti and Roma in the context of the celebrations of the 2nd of August on the Rroma and Sinti Holocaust.

The French Chronicle: Metz, Grenoble, and Saint Ouen.

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In France, the summer routine continues. In Grenoble, where the largest camp in the region was emptied; in Metz where 27 Rroma were expelled; and in Saint Ouen, near Paris where 56 people were evicted from an insertion village.

Miskolc: Forced evictions of Rroma continue

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In spite of a supreme court ruling and of international criticism, Rroma are still being evicted in Miskolc, Hungary. These are not slums, but actual houses, and Rroma are evicted to make space of a football stadium and parking. They are evicted and not given any alternatives.

A chilling read, and something that has to stop!

Germany safe countries

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Asylum seekers from so-called safe countries are systematically denied asylum in Germany. This, in spite of the fact that in many of these “safe” countries, the situation is far from stable or peaceful, as the example of Macedonia shows. Kosovo is now under discussion, unfortunately.

Refugees from the Balkan – the controversy

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Are truly all refugees from the Balkan who request asylum in Germany simply in search of a better life? This is not as simple, as TAZ shows. Many of these refugees are Rroma as noted by the Frankfurter Allgemeine which titles that up to a third of the refugees are from this origin.

Only half? The others are probably lying …

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A survey in the Czech Republic reveals that half of all interviewed business would not hire Rroma. If you ask us, the other half thought so but did not reply. Racism against Rroma is so widespread and ingrained in that country.


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