Monthly Archives: August 2015

Warning on modern racism

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Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, warned against the modern racism against Rroma while at the commemorations of the Rroma Holocaust. We cannot but agree with him here.

In the article, the term of “Porajmos” is used. This term has often been put in conjunction with the Rroma Holocaust. Actually, it means a sexual rape, and is only understood in some Vlax dialects. This term should not be used at all in this context.

Hungary’s Future …

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A clear position to the current xenophobic views of the Hungarian government and on their attitude towards minorities. Hungary must face up to its past and to upcoming realities!

Far Right Posters in Stockholm’s subway

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A poster campaign by a far right group in the Stockholm’s subway is shocking. It re-iterates the usual stereotypes of forced begging, organised criminality, etc. Outrage was also directed at the subway authorities that allowed these posters to be hung.


Rome: The mayor wars of collapse

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Following the refugee wave and the roughly 8’000 thousands Rroma in Rome, the mayor is warning of a collapse of social services. He also complains about the fact that they give quite a bit of money for Rroma, but only 20% of Rroma children go to school…

Maybe, they should close the famous camps and cut the subsidies to those who profit from them, and instead work on real integration!

Le Pen and details

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A summary of the elder le Pen’s sayings, including his famous analogy between Rroma and birds based on the fact that “voler” in French means both to fly and to steal.


Better die here than go back

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Interesting articles on refugees, and on the side on Rroma who share the plight.

Wedding in Switzerland: A more differentiated view

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At least a journalist who went inside the camp! A view on the Rroma who have been filling Swiss Newspapers with the wedding near Zurich. Some facts on life, work, and on religion, as these are evangelical, and on the fact that Rroma are not welcome on places for travellers in Switzerland.

Camps for refugees

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Bavaria is going ahead with a controversial plan to set up camps for refugees from the Balkan. These camps, especially in view of the past – Dachau was one of the first camps to be set up in Germany – and since Rroma make about a third of all Balkan refugees, leave a bitter taste.

There has to be better solutions…

Toulouse: Insertion village cancelled

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Under pressure from residents, the city of Toulouse has cancelled its attempt to open a second insertion village aimed at integrating Rroma migrants.

A pity…

Kosovo and Montenegro want to be “safe countries”

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Kosovo and Montenegro are asking Germany to recognise them as being “safe countries”. They want to show that no one in their countries is persecuted or discriminated against. In Kosovo especially, this can only be laughed at. 80% of the Rroma population was ethnically cleansed away from the region.
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