Monthly Archives: September 2015

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

The endless cycle continues … An unlikely hero in Paris, the voice of the Ghetto Joszef Farkas from La Courneuve; neighbours concerned about Rroma moving in in the Rhone valley; Rroma from la Courneuve re-building their church; imminent expulsion in Saint Denis near Paris; the usual story about exploitation and criminal mendacity in Montpellier – as usual not really as stated; and finally an article on refugees at the Porte de Clichy in Paris.

France: Collective Discrimination

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France: Collective Discrimination

According to a report from Romeurope, a collective engaged in defending Rroma, France is systematically discriminating and segregating Rroma. They denounce the practices of the expulsions and the overall policy of the French government.

Well Done!!!

The Dog …

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The Dog …

The story of the dog is still doing the rounds. The police is now investigating (at last), and the press still reports on it. What is missed by all, are that the statements of the person who snatched the dog are deliberately generalising and racist … Not all Rroma drug their dogs or eat their cats. As least I don’t.


Bulgarian Church: Moslems not Welcome

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Bulgarian Church: Moslems not Welcome

The Bulgarian church stated explicitely that Moslems were not welcome in Bulgaria. This allegedly to prevent an “invasion”. Well, Turks and Rroma from Bulgaria are also Moslems, and make around 13% of the population. Are they too unqwelcome? Let’s not forget that in the 80’s, Bulgaria expelled roughly 400’000 Turkish Moslems to Turkey (they went to settle in Cyprus – well done Bugaria). That is almost 5% of the Bulgarian population of that time.

Is this Christian?

Rroma Refugees in Hamburg

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Rroma Refugees in Hamburg

Rroma who are under threat of deportation to their former “home” country due to the “safe country” regulation are currently occupying a church in Hamburg. This is their last hope. And a shame for Germany, especially in the case of Rroma from Bosnia and from Kosovo, two countries that were ethnically cleansed with Europe watching and doing nothing.

A Shirt … Follow Up

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A Shirt … Follow Up

The story of the shirt on sale about killing Rroma continues. The German Central Committee of Roma and Sinti lodged a formal complaint with the police against the internet provider which displayed and sell shirts saying “we kill Gypsies”.


A Dog …

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A Dog …

A militant activist beat up a homeless man to steal his puppy, claiming it was drugged. Well, maybe, but how did he know beforehand? And the proof is still outstanding. Cherry on the cake, the militant claims that Rroma drug their animals, and even some of them eat cats.

This is not limited to Rroma, and it seems that while cat eaters are found among all populations, idiots, bigots, and racists are too.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

France continues its seemingly never ending circle. How about changing it an investing energies into something more constructive? In Montreuil, 117 families were expulsed; in Wissous, in the North of France, benevoles are helping children to get to school, all the while shadowed by the worries about a fire in the camps there; in Savoy, a Rroma camo was destroyed by a fire; in Lille, Rroma have a three months reprieve; in Tourcoing, in the North of France, Rroma were served an eviction letter; while the association Eurrom tries to integrate Rroma;

Rroma in Germany Protest Expulsions

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Rroma in Germany Protest Expulsions

Rroma in Hamburg have occupied a church as a protest against blanket expulsions based on the “safe country” principle. Especially when in the case of Kosovo, Bosnia, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Join the protest!

Daft …

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Romania is circulating a story about Rroma heping refugees by “confusing” the police in dressing them as Rroma. This is NOT JOURNALISM… Pure detox.

Zemour Freed …

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Zemour Freed …

Eric Zemmour, a French polemist who deliberately insulted minorities among which Rroma, was cleared by a French court. The reasoning beyond this was as usual that there was a part of reality.


A Shirt …

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A Shirt …

NOT ACCEPTABLE! Please say so to the vendor.
The web shop pulled the plug this afternoon. But they let it slip. Let’s watch.

– „Wir töten die Zigeuner“: Online-Shop verkauft T-Shirts mit Hass-Parolen. In: Deutsch Türkische Nachrichten. 22.09.2015.
– Original Sales offering in Zazzle:


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A conference on the fate of Sinti and Rroma under the Third Reich shows the facts as they are: It was a racially based persecution, something that is often not so clear in people’s minds. Good to speak about it.