Daily Archives: September 1, 2015

Education Program for Migrant Rroma in Lausanne

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Education Program for Migrant Rroma in Lausanne

An article about the engagement of NGOs in Lausanne to enroll 6 young migrant Rroma in schools there. Well done, but let’s not forget that these migrant Rroma represent less than ONE PERCENT of the Rroma in Switzerland. And these go to school, and even to university!

Five problems that Europe needs to tackle

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Five problems that Europe needs to tackle

The Huffington post posted an article on refugees from the Balkan, with five issues that Europe needs to tackle if they ever want to get migration under control. Among these: Discrimination against Rroma in several Balkan Countries.

French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

Besides the closure of the Rroma camp in la Courneuve and the shooting in the North of France, there have been other news on France this week. A camp had to make space for an integration project in Deuil la Barre; life goes on in the North in Lille; and eexpulsed Rroma who had to leave their integration village are spending their 35th night in tents in St. Ouen.

French Rroma block highway in North of France

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French Rroma block highway in North of France

Following the shooting at a camp in Northern France, French Rroma blocked the A1 highway in a protest, amongst other, to ask for the son of one of the victims to be temporarily released from jail to attend his father’s funeral.

La Courneuve: The camp is closed

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La Courneuve: The camp is closed

The oldest Rroma camp near Paris was dismantled yesterday by the French police in spite of the petition and support from many people. 200 Rroma were evicted.

This is NOT a solution.

Beggars and human trafficking

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Beggars and human trafficking

In Geneva, four Rroma were arrested and are accused to have trafficked a mentally disabled person and forced him to beg in Geneva’s streets. As always, when such a case occurs, all the usual clichés about organised bands, human trafficking, and so on come back about Rroma.

If they really did it, which still needs to be proven, then they are criminals. The fact that they are Rroma has nothing to do with that.

Rroma Camp in France: Follow up

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Rroma Camp in France: Follow up

Apparently, the killer, a 73 years old man, was drunk (2.28 g per litre) and held a grudge against the family. For once, the press is quite restrictive in citation of ethnic origins in this drama. Good, as people’s origins have nothing to do with this tragic event.

Two Rroma families not allowed to board plane in Prague

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Two Rroma families not allowed to board plane in Prague

Two Rroma families were denied boarding a flight to Canada. Canada is continuing its restrictive policy of screenings prior to boarding planes with that destination.


Canada accepts more Rroma Asylum Requests

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Canada accepts more Rroma Asylum Requests

In view of the mounting evidence of discrimination against Rroma in Hungary, Canada is accepting more asylum applications from Hungarian Rroma.


4 dead at a Roma camp in France

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4 dead at a Roma camp in France

At least 4 people, among which a man, a woman, a 6 months old child, and a policeman were killed in cold blood at a Rroma camp in France. There seem to some wounded policemen. The Gunman was shot by the police and is in custody. No reason was given. It is not even clear if the attacker was Rrom or someone else.
