Daily Archives: January 24, 2016

The French Chronicle …

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The French Chronicle …

And some news about France. First a few on integration, in Marseilles and near Paris; an action in favour of migrants in le Havre; lunch with Rroma in the Loire region; many news on Rroma camps : in Marseilles, a cleanup in Wissous, a fire in the North, rats in Lyon, a project near Paris, and a review of the state of a camp after the departure of the Rroma; counting migrants and homeless people in Toulouse; not enough space of all homeless in Grenoble; then the usual condemnation and Justice with three Rroma condemned for illegal occupation, 15 arrests near Grenoble following the riots in Moirans, and prison for having stolen chocolate; corruption in Marseilles, where the prefect who wanted to clean up Rroma is now being cleaned up; the destruction of a villa in Marseilles who was used by Rroma;

Statistics …

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Statistics …

In the Department of Seine St. Denis, in the North of Paris, the police published a new statistics stating that there are still 35 illegal Rroma camps with altogether 1’902 Rroma.

Looking at these numbers, one cannot but ask whether one could find a real solution to the issue rather than making a lot of police actions and pumping up the press for almost no one …

Equal Opportunity

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Equal Opportunity

The World Bank issued a report insisting that the integration of Rroma in the society is a key to achieving “shared prosperity and inclusive growth”. It is good that the World Bank gets involved!

Caravans in Albania … Daft!

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Caravans in Albania … Daft!

How daft can that be … Raising money for a caravan park for Rroma in Albania. When one knows that almost no Rroma are travellers in the Balkans (only a very tiny minority of 0.1% maximum), this is a totally idiotic idea. From a good intention, maybe, but really not what is needed.

Rroma Women and the Balkans

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Rroma Women and the Balkans

An article on Rroma women in the Balkans. Starts quite badly, as the picture in the headlines depicts a woman prostitute and drug addict in Serbia – we reported on this article a while ago. Then it gets worse … “The Roma identity generally refers to a traditionally nomadic ethnic group, with various linguistic dialects and many sub-groups, living mostly in Europe” Full stereotypes. 99.9% of Rroma, especially in the Balkan were always sedentary (except for their migration from India, but then what to say about Germans J). While the article is right about the discrimination, it is also wrong on the generalisation (and on the numbers). It also presents sex trafficking and exploitation as Rroma issues which it is not, it is a poverty issue. On the other hand (and not in the Balkans, it presents the sterilisation issue in the Czech Republic, and other facts that are quite correct.

The Result: LOTS OF STEREOTYPES, a few facts, and lots of generalisations.

Child Poverty in France …

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Child Poverty in France …

The French government is defending its policies on fighting children poverty at the UN in Geneva. Besides the high number of children living in poverty in that country, France was also criticised about access to schools and discrimination of migrants, especially of Rroma.

