Daily Archives: June 14, 2016

Plekhanovo: Sickening Footage

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Plekhanovo: Sickening Footage

More news from the eviction of the village of Plekhanovo near Tula in Russia. This time, it is footage of an eviction where a young Rrom, in protest, smashes a kitten against a brick wall. This kind of protest doesn’t help the cause…

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

When Football is king, there are certainly less news about Rroma. Very few news this week in France. In Loos, in the North, the camp was finally dismantled, and burnt down, only two families found a new lodging; in Annet sur Marne, near Paris, the Rroma left leaving lots of garbage; in Cuges, in the South, the mayor calls for blocking travellers from camping there; and in the Alps, travellers finally left La Vue des Alpes.

On a more positive touch, Médecisn sans Frontières is deeply engaged in the North helping Rroma; and in Sètes, in the South, a story on inclusion in School.

Football: Callas to Ban Croatian Song

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Football: Callas to Ban Croatian Song

The French Association SOS Racisme is calling for a ban of the Croatian supporters’ song “Lijepa Li si” a song that was composed by an ultra-nationalist Marko Perkovic, an admirer of the Ustacha. The song also promotes the conquest of Bosnian lands …

More on Sterilisations

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More on Sterilisations

Another article about the forced sterilisations in the Czech and Slovak Republics, a practise that is documented at least until 2004.

A must read!

World Bank: Rroma in Romania 10 Times more Likely to be Poor

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World Bank: Rroma in Romania 10 Times more Likely to be Poor

According to the world bank, Rroma in Romania are 10 times more likely to be poor than the rest of the population. One always wonder how one arrives at these numbers, as one doesn’t really know how many Rroma there are in Romania (officially not that many), but clearly, those that are visible are discriminated, and as a result are poorer.

Hungary: Procedure against Segregation

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Hungary: Procedure against Segregation

The EU started a procedure against the segregation of schooling for Rroma in Hungary. This is good, but let’s not forget that the government openly suggests this segregation is for the good of the Rroma.

Tula Region Russia: Destruction of a Rroma Neighbourhood

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The story of the gas pipe illegally tapped by Rroma in the village of Plekhanovo in the Tula region continues. This had led to massive action by the riot police and now the city is forcing Rroma residents to destroy “illegal” houses.

Rroma Protest in Germany on Asylum

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Rroma Protest in Germany on Asylum

Demonstrators protested in Germany against the current asylum policies of the German state, who, having declared several Balkan countries as safe countries, are systematically denying asylum claims by Rroma from these countries.

Forced Sterilisation

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Forced Sterilisation

Women who were forcefully sterilised in the Czech Republic are telling their story through theatre. This sterilisation practice continued unabatedly until at least 2004.

Rroma Travellers in Switzerland

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Rroma Travellers in Switzerland

The saga continues for these travelling Rroma who have been kicked out from one place and are now searching for another opportunity to stay. Important to know is that they actually work in Switzerland. They have regular and scheduled work agreed with factories and businesses in Switzerland…
