Monthly Archives: September 2016

Switzerland and Travellers

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Another article on Rroma travellers in Switzerland. And the perpetuation of new myths: There are more and more of them coming in Switzerland (FALSE, exactly as before), they need so-called “Transit” camping place, even though they are not in transit through Switzerland but work here, etc. And on top, the segregation of camping sites between Swiss travellers and the others is considered almost as natural.SHAME!- Die Frage der Fahrenden sorgt für Kopfzerbrechen. In: Swissinfo. 19.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Romani Rose: Thanks!

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Romani Rose thanked Angela Merkel for her policy on refugees and greeted the creation of a new institute for Roma art and culture in Berlin.- Romani Rose bedankt sich bei Kanzlerin Merkel begrüßt Einrichtung eines Roma Instituts. In: Berliner Zeitung. 27.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: No Rroma Please

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Slovakia: No Rroma Please

Job advertisement in Slovakia are full of discriminatory or racist comments. One example: “Roma, do not call us” … And this in the EU.SHAME!- Employers: Roma, do not call us! In: Slovak Spectator. 27.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Scary“

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Lamp posts will not only be used for street lighting” according to Marian Kotleba, the leader of the far right party |Our Slovakia”.Scary when one knows his views on Rroma.- Kandelábre nebudeme používať iba na osvetlenie ulíc. In: Dennik. 28.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially recognised and honoured Romani Rose’s life work for Sinti and Rroma. Born in 1946, he relentlessly fought for the recognition and the rights of Sinti and Rroma.
Well Done!

– Anerkennung von Sinti und Roma: Romani Rose für Lebensleistung geehrt. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 29.08.2016.,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html
– Ausgegrenzt: Roma und Sinti. In: WAZ. 28.09.2016. [link-preview url=”,-Anerkennung-von-Sinti-und-Roma-Romani-Rose-fuer-Lebensleistung-geehrt-_arid,224701.html”]

Switzerland: Lausanne forbids Begging

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Lausanne forbade mendacity yesterday. The vote was narrow but passed through. Begging will be fined 100.— CHF and begging with a minor even more. This measure concerns less than a hundred beggars in Lausanne. Yes, less than 100!!!!And by far not of them are Rroma.Speak about lousy populism.- CANTON DE VAUD LE GRAND CONSEIL INTERDIT LA MENDICITÉ. In: Le Matin. 28.09.2016. La mendicité interdite grâce au vote dispersé des Verts. In: 24 Heures. 28.09.2016. Il sera interdit de mendier dans le canton de Vaud. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 28.09.2016. Trois scénarios face à la mendicité. In: Le Courrier. 26.08.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Rroma Women and Reproductive Rights

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Actually, the topic is an important one. The article speaks about reproductive rights, the right to determine when becoming pregnant, healthcare and health insurance, and other topics that are clearly extremely important.
WORTHWHILE READ, as it highlights what discrimination and segregation implies for women and their children. Well done!
Unfortunately, it also leaves generalisations that are not acceptable from an EU representative. There is an undertone of Rroma as being poor and uneducated that is somehow disturbing. Read for yourself, comments welcome!

– Roma women need more empowerment on maternity issues. In: EurAktiv. 28.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Toulouse: In October Workshops on Rroma

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Toulouse will host two days of workshops on Rroma with conferences, some insights in Rromanes, and discussions.

– Jeudi 20 & Vendredi 21 octobre : rencontres avec Slavka Radenez pour inaugurer la nouvelle édition de Rencont’roms nous ! [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: School Segregation

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The European Commission opened legal proceedings against Hungary about their continued segregation of Rroma in the school system.
It is about time!

– En Hongrie, la ségrégation scolaire des enfants roms s’aggrave. In: Le Monde. 26.09.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Romani Rose: Scheuer is Racist

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The president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, accused Andreas Scheuer, the general Secretary of the CSU in Germany of racism. Scheuer has proposed to give preference to give preference to Christian refugees and migrants.
Romani Rose rightly accuses him of playing with “racist resentment” which is extremely dangerous.

– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Focus. 26.09.2016.
– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wirft Scheuer Rassismus vor. In: Schwäbische. 26.09.2016.,-Zentralrat-der-Sinti-und-Roma-wirft-Scheuer-Rassismus-vor-_arid,10534114.html [link-preview url=”

Hungary: Jobbik against Rroma Spending

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The Hungarian extreme rightist party Jobbik is attacking the government plans to spend 91 billion forint for Rroma integration during the next 4 years and accused the government of “election racism” …
One thing is clear though, Jobbik is certainly racist.

– Jobbik attacks Roma spending. In: Budapest Times. 25.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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Rroma in the Slovak town of Velky near Kosiče are being housed in mobile homes and caravans instead of regular houses, this for economical reasons as it is cheaper for the municipality.
In spite of the fact that Rroma in Slovakia have NEVER lived in caravans before. How about a bit of integration instead of further segregation!

– Rómovia vo Veľkej Ide žijú aj v karavanoch. Podľa starostu sa to osvedčilo. In: Korzar. 23.09.2016.

Germany: Camp Closed

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An illegal Rroma camp was closed in Germany near Kassel. Most of the residents were from Bulgaria and Romania.

– Stadt räumt illegalen Zeltplatz: Rumänen und Bulgaren hatten dort ihr Quartier. In: HNA. 23.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Culture Weeks in Manheim

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Manheim currently hosts the third culture week of Rroma and Sinti – RomnoKher.
In this context, the mayor of Herboltzheim, Ernst Schilling, was awarded a prize for his engagement for Roma and Sinti.
More of it, please.

– Bürgermeister Ernst Schilling wird für sein Engagement für Sinti und Roma geehrt. In: Badische Zeitung. 23.09.2016.–127506500.html [link-preview url=”–127506500.html”]

Slovakia: Economic Growth as a Social Engine

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A commentary from Slovakia arguing that the increased growth experienced by the country recently can be an engine for the integration of Rroma in that country. Slovakia is increasingly importing workers from as far as Bulgaria and is only slowly starting to hire local Rroma. And there are more than enough who are willing to work.

– Komentár Lukáša Krivošíka: Nedostatok pracovníkov? Šanca pre Rómov. In: 23.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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Appart from the news on the town of Saint-Ouen ordered to enrol Rroma children in school, the news is (unfortunately as usual). Still no solution for the Rroma who were expulsed in Monteruil, this is spite of a lot of mobilisation; the Rroma who occupied the island of the impressionists in Chatou have left; in Western France, the prefect of the Loire Atlantique discussed possible means of integrating Rroma in Nantes; in Bordeaux, a camp was closed; in Albi, in the South, no solution has yet been found to the Albanian asylum seekers; in the North, in Hautbourdin, the Rroma can stay; a positive story on an association helping young Rroma to learn near Paris; a mayor complaining of having to enrol Rroma children in classes (again); and finally, a really BAD story on beggars and human trafficking re-inforcing all stereotypes.

– Montreuil. Familles Roms expulsées: impasse et voie de secours. In: Mediapart. 19.09.2016.
– Montreuil. Rue fée d’herbes. In: Mediapart. 21.09.2016.
– Chatou : les Roms ont quitté l’île des Impressionnistes. In: Le Parisien. 22.09.20126.
– Roms : le préfet reçoit les 24 maires de la métropole nantaise. In: Ouest France. 23.09.2016.
– Mérignac : ce jeudi, un camp de Roms bulgares a été évacué et des gens du voyage se sont installés. In: Ouest France. 22.09.2016.
– Grand ménage d’automne dans les squats de Bordeaux Métropole. In: Rue89. 22.09.2016.
– Albi : la Préfecture a mis à disposition des hébergements d’urgence pour les demandeurs d’asile Roms Albanais. In: Le Tarn Libre. 22.09.2016.
– Le Département débouté en appel : les Roms sont autorisés à rester. In: La Voix du Nord. 19.09.2016.
– Antenne scolaire mobile/ Les petits Roms en route pour l’école. In: JSD. 19.09.2016.école
– D’après le maire, les enfants du 115 lui coûtent trop cher. In: Le Parisien. 22.09.2016.
– Embauchés pour cueillir des pommes en Belgique, ils finissent mendicants. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.09.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Children and School

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The town of Saint-Ouen, in the North of Paris, has been ordered to enroll Rroma children in its schools. Its mayor had recently refused to enrol them on the premises that the town was already facing other problems and could not cope with these children…
Several associations went to court and won.

– La ville de Saint-Ouen devra scolariser les enfants roms. In: Le Point. 24.09.2016.
– La mairie de Saint-Ouen bientôt mise en demeure après son refus de scolariser des enfants Roms. In: Libération. 23.09.2016.
– Seine-Saint-Denis : la ville de Saint-Ouen devra scolariser les enfants Roms. In: FranceInfos. 24.09.2016.
– A Saint-Ouen, bataille autour de la scolarisation d’enfants Roms. In: FR3 FranceInfo. 19.09.2016.
– Non-scolarisation d’un Rom: le maire de Saint-Ouen ne peut “digérer toute la misère du monde”. In: L’Echo Républicain. 20.09.2016. [link-preview url=”

Travellers Camp and Bern

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The Bern Government is trying to take measures against abuses and misuses of one of the travellers sites in the canton. Apparently, the list of complaints is long, including not paying rent, destroying or damaging infrastructure, aggressive behaviour, and not sending children to school.
As usual, reality is somewhat less dramatic.

– Stadt Bern nimmt Fahrende in die Pflicht. In: Berner Zeitung. 20.09.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

More on the Racism Complaint against Swiss Politician

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Two articles on the complaint for racism against the green liberal (yes) politician from Bern, Nathan Güntensperger who made disparaging and generalising comments against Rroma in the Press.
Reaction of the public to the complaint is not exactly positive … Which shows what still remains to be done.

– Gens du voyage: plainte pour racisme déposée contre un député bernois. In: Le Nouvelliste. 21.09.2016.
– Bieler GLP-Grossrat wird des Rassismus beschuldigt. In: Bluewin. 21.09.2016. [link-preview url=”