Daily Archives: September 21, 2016

Not all that is called Gold in golden …

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A new musical opened up in Hungary. It is called Somnakaj – gold in Rromanes, and is a “Gypsy” musical. These types of things are not always positive, as they often tend to use the standard stereotypes that people have, thus reinforcing them …

– THE FATES AND THE CULTURE OF THE GYPSIES ON THE STAGE – SOMNAKAJ DEBUTS AT NATIONAL THEATER. In: Hungary Today. 20.09.2016. http://hungarytoday.hu/news/fates-culture-gypsies-stage-somnakaj-71743 [link-preview url=”http://hungarytoday.hu/news/fates-culture-gypsies-stage-somnakaj-71743″]

More on the Rroma Invasion of California

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Seems that several Newspapers are catching on the migration of Rroma in California. From the articles, one could believe it is a real trend.
Well, they have probably more Rroma immigrants they don’t recognise as such (they don’t fit the stereotypes) than the ones which prompted these articles. If they only knew that there have been Rroma steelworkers and then automobile factory workers in the US since ages, among many other Rroma!

– Roma are now fleeing to California, US report says. In: New Europe. 20.09.2016. https://www.neweurope.eu/article/roma-now-fleeing-california-us-report-says/
– As Europe turns more hostile, Roma flee to California. In: Chicago Tribune. 19.09.2016. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-calif-roma-ff5528ca-7e5b-11e6-ad0e-ab0d12c779b1-20160919-story.html [link-preview url=”http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-wp-blm-calif-roma-ff5528ca-7e5b-11e6-ad0e-ab0d12c779b1-20160919-story.html”]

Hungary: Rroma vs. Migrants

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This is fast becoming a farce… The Orban government is now betting on Rroma integration to resolve demographic problems.
The segregate, they discriminate, and now this.

– Orbán setzt auf Roma statt Migranten. In: Die Presse. 19.09.2016. http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/welt/5088101/Orban-setzt-auf-Roma-statt-Migranten [link-preview url=”http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/welt/5088101/Orban-setzt-auf-Roma-statt-Migranten”]
