Daily Archives: September 24, 2016

Travellers Camp and Bern

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The Bern Government is trying to take measures against abuses and misuses of one of the travellers sites in the canton. Apparently, the list of complaints is long, including not paying rent, destroying or damaging infrastructure, aggressive behaviour, and not sending children to school.
As usual, reality is somewhat less dramatic.

– Stadt Bern nimmt Fahrende in die Pflicht. In: Berner Zeitung. 20.09.2016. http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/neue-spielregeln-fuer-standplatz-buech/story/15399016 [link-preview url=”http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/neue-spielregeln-fuer-standplatz-buech/story/15399016″]

More on the Racism Complaint against Swiss Politician

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Two articles on the complaint for racism against the green liberal (yes) politician from Bern, Nathan Güntensperger who made disparaging and generalising comments against Rroma in the Press.
Reaction of the public to the complaint is not exactly positive … Which shows what still remains to be done.

– Gens du voyage: plainte pour racisme déposée contre un député bernois. In: Le Nouvelliste. 21.09.2016. http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/suisse/gens-du-voyage-plainte-pour-racisme-deposee-contre-un-depute-bernois-581447
– Bieler GLP-Grossrat wird des Rassismus beschuldigt. In: Bluewin. 21.09.2016. https://www.bluewin.ch/de/news/regional/region-bern/2016/9/21/bieler-glp-grossrat-wird-des-rassismus-beschuldigt.html [link-preview url=”http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/suisse/gens-du-voyage-plainte-pour-racisme-deposee-contre-un-depute-bernois-581447

Rroma “Fleeing” to the US

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Again another article on the purported migration of Rroma to California. To put things in perspective: The police said that less than 500 Romanian Rroma applied for Ayslum. California is not that small …

– Roma Fleeing the EU’s ‘Broken Promise’ seek Asylum in the US, In: Foreign Policy. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/22/roma-romania-migration-united-states/ [link-preview url=”http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/22/roma-romania-migration-united-states/”]

A Brand of Beauty Products Named a Dark Lipstick “Gypsy”

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The brand, ColorPop, named its darker shades of make-up with offensive names. They also named a lipstick “Gypsy” but renamed it to Calypso after protests.
However, the name stuck in the URL of the product name. See at the bottom of the article.

– This Makeup Brand Apologized for Its Offensive Names for Darker Skin Tones. In: Seventeen. 22.09.2016. http://www.seventeen.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/news/a42942/this-makeup-brand-apologized-for-its-offensive-shade-names-for-darker-skin-tones/ [link-preview url=”http://www.seventeen.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/news/a42942/this-makeup-brand-apologized-for-its-offensive-shade-names-for-darker-skin-tones/”]
