Monthly Archives: October 2016

Germany: on the Holocaust Memorial

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An article obout he Holocaust memorial in Berlin, wich, according to this writing could not be build today, first because it only commemorates the Jewish victims and not Rroma and others, but mostly because the anti-Semitisms has increased so much that such a monument would be controversial.

– ‘Berlin’s Holocaust memorial couldn’t have been built in today’s Germany’ In: i24. 30.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Romani Rose on Multicultural Society

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A nice commentary from Romany Rose, the chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, on racism, on multicultural society, and on tolerance.

– Gastkommentar von Romani Rose: Vielfältiges Europa verteidigen. In: Mindener Tagblatt. 31.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: Travellers, Rroma, Gitans

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An attempt by a French news outlet to explain the difference between travellers, Rroma, Gitans, Manouches, etc.
BAD … First it still uses “Tzigane” as the general term. And then, states that Rrom means man – no, it means husband or someone from that group and so on. Would be good if journalists inform themselves before writing things.


Switzerland: Lausanne and Homeless

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Lausanne, at the forefront of forbidding begging in Switzerland is confronted with ca. 200 homeless people. And only a fraction of these are Rroma … Which means, there are far less than 100 Rroma beggars in that city. Can’t be a massive problem …

– Migrants, Roms, toxicos, ils sont 200 à dormir à la rue. In: 24 Heures. 29.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Ireland: Racist Abuse

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Up to 97% of the Rroma population in an Irish town have been subjected to racist abuse…

– Racist attacks revealed on Roma. In: The Independent (IR). 29.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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The French news were certainly dominated with the news of the recognition of the French role in the deportation of Rroma during World War Two.
There were nevertheless other news too… Conflict between Rroma (i.e. in the context newly arrived ones) and gens du voyage (i.e. in this context Manouches – a group that descends from the Sinti) near Paris; the plight of the expulsed Rroma from Montreuil near Paris; an essay about people living in the street in Paris, saying one cannot accept this; the story of a squat in Western France whose owner is rather uncertain; in Dijon, in Bourgogne, a squat was evicted; an essay about the situation of Rroma in the poorest French town in the North, Roubaix; a fire near a highway in Eastern France provoqued by Rroma; an finally an essay on women health amongst migrants and Rroma in Paris.

– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes : la situation se tend entre Roms et gens du voyage. In: Le Parisien. 28.10.2016.
– Montreuil. Familles Roms expulsées: sans fiche de paye. In: Mediapart. 27.10.2016.
– SDF à Paris : on ne doit pas s’habituer. In: Le Parisien. 26.10.2016.
– A Sainte-Luce : qui possède le terrain occupé par les Roms ? In: Ouest France. 25.10.2016.
– Dijon : des heurts en marge de l’évacuation du squat de la rue du Gaz. In: Le Bien Public. 27.10.2016.
– Le point de vue: charité bien ordonnée? In: Nord Éclair. 28.10.2016.
– Sur l’A31 la visibilité est gênée par un départ de feu. In: 5 Minutes (LUX). 26.10.2016.
– En maraude, auprès des femmes sans-abris. In: Actu Soins. 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: Hollande Recognises the Role of France in Rroma Holocaust

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The French president François Hollande recognised yesterday the role of the French state in the internment and deportation of Rroma during World War Two. This is a first, and comes only more than 70 years after the facts!
What took you so long?

– Hollande reconnaît le rôle de l’État dans la persécution des Tsiganes. In: Le Figaro. 29.10.2016.
– Hollande recognizes French role in WWII internment of Roma. In: Deutsche Welle. 29.10.2016.
– Hollande acknowledges French role in Roma internment during WWII. In: i24. 29.10.2016.
– Tsiganes internés de 1940 à 1946 : Hollande reconnaît la responsabilité de la France. In: Le Point. 29.10.2016.–29-10-2016-2079435_20.php
– France played a role in Nazi persecution of Gypsies, President Francois Hollande says. In: ABC News. 29.10.2016.
– François Hollande reconnaît la responsabilité de la France dans l’internement de milliers de Roms durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. In: LINFO.RE. 29.10.2016.
– Commémorations à Montreuil-Bellay : des représentants d’un collectif de sans-papiers et de l’association Rroms-Anjou refoulés. In: FR3 News. 29.10.2016.
– Les nomades internés sous Vichy : l’histoire oubliée. In: France Inter. 29.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Travellers and Rroma

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Another article on local Swiss Travellers – the Jenische – and Rroma. And the views are far appart…

– Fahrende wehren sich: «Die Leute stecken uns in die gleiche Schublade wie die Roma». In: Aargauer Zeitung. 25.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Main and Miskolc

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The city of Main in Germany, paired with Miskolc is sticking to its guns. It is providing funds and help for Rroma via the Maltese orders. Main is somewhat embarrassed here as Miskolc is evicting Rroma from its centre on spurious grounds.
And giving funds to the Maltese order is nice, but not sufficient. Political action is required.

– Stadtrat bleibt dabei: Roma in Miskolc werden unterstützt. In: Main-Echo. 26.10.2016.,4287212 [link-preview url=”,4287212″]

Rome: Eviction, and then Nothing

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The City of Rome recently closed a centre which mostly lodged Rroma. According to local NGOs, this was more an eviction rather than a closure, as many of the people were not relocated in other centres.
The NGOs and the European Roma Right Centre are accusing the city to violate the human rights of the Rroma as well as not fulfilling their obligations according to European Laws.

– Rom, chiude il centro di via Amarilli. L’accusa: “Come uno sgombero forzato”. In Roma Today. 25.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: More Houses for Rroma

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The town of Limanowa in Southern Poland, is currently deciding whether to purchase new houses to improve the hosing situation of the Rroma there. The money comes from a government program and is meant to help three families in that town.
The debate currently is about where to buy… Surprise …

– Kupią kolejne domy dla Romów? Dziś decyzja radnych. In: 20.10.2016.;kupia-kolejne-domy-dla-romow-dzis-decyzja-radnych,33729.html [link-preview url=”;kupia-kolejne-domy-dla-romow-dzis-decyzja-radnych,33729.html”]


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A weird news about a police department in the US North West on a training in “which law enforcement would learn about the supposed “Gypsy” threat in the Pacific Northwest, in a session titled “Without Mercy: Criminal Gypsies/Travelers and the Elderly.””
Since when are Rroma a threat to the US?

– Is the Bellevue Police Department scared of ‘gypsies’? In: Crosscut. 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

An Award for a Young Activist

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Dafina Savic was awarded the Goldbloom award for her work for the Rroma community. She is a young Rromni living in Canada and fighting stereotypes and prejudices against Rroma.
Well Done and Congratulations!

– Goldbloom Awards: Dafina Savic sheds light on plight of Roma community. In: Global News. 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Where have EU Funds Gone

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František Tanko, of the Roma Civic Union of Slovakia has been criticising the use of EU funds in Slovakia. He says that many towns and cities have received millions from the EU, but that there is nothing to show against that money.
He is unfortunately quite right …

– Predseda občianskeho združenia Únia Rómov na Slovensku František Tanko opäť kritizoval aj činnosť Úradu splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity. In: 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Romania: Inexistent Rroma

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An article about the plight of very visible Rroma who have no papers, birth certificates or other documents demonstrating their identities. There are unfortunately quite a number of such cases in the country.

– Romania’s ‘invisible’ Roma battle for identity. In: Digital Journal. 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Final Ban on Right Wing Patrols

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The Slovak parliament has finally voted the interdiction of the far right vigilante patrolling of trains in that country.
What took you so long?

– Slovakia bans far-right train patrols targeting Roma. In: Yahooh News. 26.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]


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A special exhibition on the persecution of Rroma and Sinti is currently shown in the National Socialism Documentation Centre in Munich.

– NS-Dokuzentrum über die Verfolgung von Sinti und Roma. In: Bild. 27.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Rroma Insecure

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A new report by a think tank shows that Rroma in the UK are deeply insecure following the Brexit vote and the subsequent uncertainty and increased anti-immigrant rhetoric. There are an estimated 80 to 300’000 Rroma in the UK, and the EU was contributing around 1.1 Bio pounds a year for their integration.

– Roma in UK ‘deeply insecure’ after vote to leave EU, thinktank says. In: The Guardian. 24.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Plzeň, Czech Republic – New Initiative

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An association opened up a park for the practice of “Parkour” a kind of obstacle race set in a city environment. The park is open to all and is aimed at poor children, many of which are Rroma.

– A Plzeň, un terrain de parkour pour surmonter les barrières sociales. In: Radio Prague. 19.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Demands for Investigation

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Several members of the Czech Council of Roma Minority affairs are demanding in an open letter that the suspicious death of a young Rrom in Žatec be investigated. The boy died on October 18th after having been apparently beaten up by the workers at a restaurant as well as by several patrons there and finally by the police.

– Civil society members of Czech Govt Roma Council demand thorough investigation of Romani man’s death as soon as possible. In: 23.10.2016.
– Členové romské rady žádají důsledné prošetření smrti Roma v Žatci v co nejkratším čase. In: 23.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]