Daily Archives: October 8, 2016

Slovakia: Social Care and Rroma

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An interesting article on the social care in Slovakia, which, in the eyes of the social workers, does not work properly in Slovakia. These workers, in this case one who has been working with Rroma since the floods in 1988 in Jarovnice, floods which killed many Rroma, do not want to leave the settlements and continue helping. They are facing larger and larger hurdles.

– Roky pracuje s Rómami: Mnohí úradníci do osady ani nechceli ísť. In: Aktuality.sk. 06.10.2016. http://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/378942/roky-pracuje-s-romami-mnohi-uradnici-do-osady-ani-nechceli-ist/

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Virginia Raggi, the new Five Stars mayor of Rome is getting more and more flak on her administration of the city and amongst this, about the Rroma camps. In spite of her promises, she continues the previous administration’s policy and continues to finance the camps, even planning to expand them.
For this, she is being criticised by the Rroma roganisations.

– ROM, ROCCA (FDI): SULLA GESTIONE DAL CAMPIDOGLIO NON CAMBIA NULLA. In: Roma Daily News. 07.10.2016. http://www.romadailynews.it/politica/rom-rocca-fdi-sulla-gestione-dal-campidoglio-non-cambia-nulla-0295118
– Roma, Associazione 21 luglio: “Con Giunta Raggi la stagione dei campi rom non è finita” In: Rep TV. http://video.repubblica.it/edizione/roma/roma-associazione-21-luglio-con-giunta-raggi-la-stagione-dei-campi-rom-non-e-finita/254348/254560

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