Daily Archives: October 11, 2016

UK: Nottinghamshire and West Yorkshire and Hate Crimes

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The police of Nottinghamshire and West Yorkshire have launched initiatives aiming at reducing and preventing hate crime. In Nottinghamshire, this is explicitly geared towards Rroma and Travellers while in Yorkshire, this is more general.
Good that they do it, bad that is is required.

– Notts police back campaign to stop hate crimes. In: Gainsborough Standard. 10.10.2016. http://www.gainsboroughstandard.co.uk/news/notts-police-back-campaign-to-stop-hate-crimes-1-8173119
– West Yorkshire Police Launch Hate Crime Awareness Campaign. In: West Yorkshire Police. 07.10.2016. https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/news/west-yorkshire-police-launch-hate-crime-awareness-campaign

Heidelberg: Rroma Exhibition

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A large exhibition of work from Rroma artists is taking place in Heidelberg’s castle. It is organised by the Künstlerbund und Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma, and the gallery Galerie Kai Dikhas from Berlin is also participating.

– Sinti- und Roma-Künstler stellen mit Künstlerbund Heidelberg im Ottheinrichsbau aus. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 11.10.2016. http://www.rnz.de/kultur-tipps/kultur-regional_artikel,-Sinti-und-Roma-Kuenstler-stellen-mit-Kuenstlerbund-Heidelberg-im-Ottheinrichsbau-aus-_arid,227378.html

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