Daily Archives: October 20, 2016

Bratislava: Roma Youth Empowerment

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The Human Right directorate of the European Commission organised a conference in Bratislava with roughly 200 young Rroma from 30 countries on the theme of Roma Youth Empowerment. These young Rroma got the opportunity to meet and speak with members of the commission and other EU representatives as well as to exchange views and experience. The organisers awarded prices, among which for best Rroma NGO, the Romanian Impreuna; best media, Slovenian Radio Romic; and best personality, which went to Sampicha Souleiman from Greece for his work against stereotypes.

– Bratislava združila 200 mladih Romov iz vse Evrope. In: RTVSL. 14.10.2016. https://www.rtvslo.si/evropska-unija/bratislava-zdruzila-200-mladih-romov-iz-vse-evrope/405171 [link-preview url=”https://www.rtvslo.si/evropska-unija/bratislava-zdruzila-200-mladih-romov-iz-vse-evrope/405171″]

France: Montreuil makes it to International Press

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The hunt for the Rroma who were expelled in July from their camp made it to the international press. The French are now trying to expel these Rroma from France, i.e. send them back to Romania.
Good read to see what is really going on.

– ‘Trying to run them out of town’: French police confront Roma. In: CBC News. 18.10.2016. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/roma-france-montreuil-eviction-1.3808464 [link-preview url=”http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/roma-france-montreuil-eviction-1.3808464″]
