Monthly Archives: October 2016

More on Comics and Rroma

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A further article on the comics and Rroma that shows that comics perpetuate clichés on Rroma.

– A Look Behind Romani Concerns Expressed At New York Comic Con. In: Bleeding Cool. 17.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Greece: Government Secretariat for Rroma

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The Greek government is planning a secretariat for the Rroma which would allow representatives of the Rroma community to have a greater say in legislation and decisions that concern them.

– Gov’t planning secretariat for Roma community. In: Ekhatimerini. 17.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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People are finally moving against the interdiction of begging issued by the city of Lausanne. This interdiction, aimed at the few dozen Rroma beggars (never more than 60 in the whole city) is controversial as it criminalises poverty.
Leftist parties want to weaken it, while a referendum has been launched to scrap it entirely.

– Vaud: lancement d’un référendum contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Swissinfo. 10.10.2016.–lancement-d-un-referendum-contre-l-interdiction-de-mendier/42506114
– Le centre-gauche veut assouplir l’interdiction de la mendicité. In: 24 Heures. 12.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany: More on the Nazi in the Justice Ministry

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More articles and reaction on the high number of Nazi party members and officials in the rows of the Justice Ministry, something which prevented justice to victims of the Holocaust, and protected criminals…

– „Die Akte Rosenburg ist bedrückend“ In: Welt. 10.10.2016.
– Wie Alt-Nazis das Justizministerium prägten. In: Handelsblatt. 10.10.2016.
– taz-Kommentar von Klaus Hillenbrand über alte Nazis im Bundesjustizministerium. In: Finanznet. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=”

Mare Manuschenge – Our People

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Romeo Franz, a Sinto musician and politician in Germany has composed and presented for the first time his new composition – Mare Manuschenge [our people], a piece devoted to the victims of the Holocaust. He played yesterday in the long night of the museums, presenting other pieces by famous Sinti composers, among which Schnuckenack Reinhardt and of course also Django.

– Politik mit der Violine. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 13.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

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More articles about the indictment of 17 people for corruption in the case of the Rroma camps around the Italian Capital.
These camps are a shame and one now understands why they still exist …

– Mafia Roma, Comune: rischio processo per 17 funzionari politiche sociali, appalti campi rom. Il Nuovo Corriere. 13.10.2016.
– Campi nomadi: conferenza stampa Martelli su commissione inchiesta. In: 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=”

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Myria, a Belgian Federal organisation on migration issued its 19th report on human trafficking. In Belgium, 33 infractions to the law on human trafficking were related to begging and implicitly to Rroma.
Enough for the Press to title and generalise that all beggars are in the hands of human traffickers and a mafia, stereotypes that are totally untrue and dangerous. Really BAD!!!
And across the border, in the North of France, the police tries to arrest beggars in Lille … This will not solve the problem.

– Quand les mendiants sont aux mains des trafiquants. In: Le Soir. 13.10.2016.
– Mendicité : la vérité sur les Roms. In: Le Vif. 13.10.2016.
– Des mendiants aux mains de trafiquants. In: La Libre. 14.10.2016.
– Mendicité des enfants roms : série d’arrestations de parents par la police. In: La Voix du Nord. 13.10.2016.

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Only a few news this week on Rroma in France. The fate of the Rroma from Montreuil who were evicted in July still dominate the news. Frankly, had half the energy that has been put into news, manifestations and other activities be invested into solving the issue, these people would have a house by now. Now, the are threatened with being expelled from France. Among the other news, a fire in a Rroma camp in Grigny, near Paris; neighbours protesting a Rroma squat near Paris; in Western France, in Caen, Rroma from Albania are occupying a house; and finally in the South West, after their eviction, Bulgarian Rroma are sleeping in tents in Mérignac.

– Montreuil : bras de fer entre la municipalité et des Roms attachés à la ville. In: Libération. 13.10.2016.
– Montreuil : des Roms sommés de « quitter le territoire » In: Le Parisien. 11.10.2016.
– Familles Roms expulsées à Montreuil: comment ça va la santé? In: Mediapart. 10.10.2016.
– Grigny : une partie du camp de Roms part en fumée. In: Le Parisien. 11.10.2016.
– Corbeil-Essonnes : les voisins d’une maison squattée par des Roms exceeds. In: Le Parisien. 10.10.2016.
– Près de Caen. Une famille d’Albanais squatte une maison à Fleury. In: Ouest France. 14.10.2016.

– Mérignac : après l’évacuation de leur squat, une quinzaine de Roms bulgares dorment dans des tentes. In: FR3 France Info. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

France: Rroma Children Denied School

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According to French NGOs, nearly 9’000 children live in France in Rroma camps (roughly 25’000 people in total – out of probably 500’000 to 750’000 Rroma in that country) and are being denied the most basic right of the French Republic, namely the right to attend school.
Shame on France.

– En France, les enfants Roms privés d’école. In: France Culture. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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The Slovakian Village of Spišský Hrhov was awarded the European Roma Spirit Award 2016 in the category of village and city. It is the first time that such an award aimed at inclusion and integration has been given to a village or town in Slovakia. Maybe something is changing?

– Spišský Hrhov získal medzinárodnú cenu za riešenie problémov Rómov. In: Korzár Spiš. 12.10.2016.

Hate Speech and Comics

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Comics have a strong influence on stereotype and prejudices, especially in the case of minorities such as Rroma. The Rroma organisation RomaPop aims at fighting this in popular culture. Their views on Comics are sobering…

– Hate Speech And The Fight For Roma Representation After New York Comic Con. In: Comics Alliance. 14.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Buddha and Rroma

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A surprising tale of Buddha in the middle of a Rroma settlement in Hungary. A school named after Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891 – 1956), an Indian lawyer coming from the Dalits in a Rroma settlement aims at helping Rroma out of the exclusion which is too often the norm in Hungary. The school is run by Janos Orsos, a Rrom who converted to Buddhism.

– Wie Buddha in die Roma-Siedlung kam. In: Budapester Zeitung. 14.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

EU and Rroma

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Vera Jourova, the President of the European Commission (EC) for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, said that Europe can ill afford not to use the potential of young Rroma and definitively cannot afford to loose yet another generation.
Let’s hope this is more than workds.

– JOUROVÁ: Európa si nemôže dovoliť nevyužiť potenciál mladých romov. In: 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Pupils Honour British Soldiers

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A group of Rroma schoolchildren form Birmingham honoured the graves of British soldiers who participated in the liberation of concentration camps.

– Roma pupils honour the British soldiers who liberated the death camps. In: The Traveller’s Times. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Government Wants to Reduce Rroma in Special Schools

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The Slovak Government wants to reduce the number of Rroma children in special schools and to this end is focusing on pre-school training.
We hope this will works, as in Slovakia (and in the Czech Republic and Hungary) putting Rroma children in special schools is almost the norm.

– Vláda chce znížiť počet Rómov v špeciálnych školách. In: TA3. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rome: Indictments on Kickbacks

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17 businessmen and politicians are currently being indicted in conjunctions with maintenance and building of Rroma camps around the Italian capital…
So that is the reason why these camps still exist …

– Possible 17 indictments over Roma people. In: ANSA. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

If you ever Wondered …

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In case you ever wondered why Rroma were not recognised as Holocaust victims for a long time or why generally prosecution of war crimes in Germany was slow after the war, here is why …
The German Federal Justice Ministry was full of Nazi party members, in fact the overall majority.

– ‘Rosenburg File’ exposes Nazi influence in postwar Germany. In: Irish Times. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

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The Federal court slams refugee’s court verdict on Roma cases, calling them “neither intelligible nor transparent”. Well Done!
The court found a lawyer who had been defending several cases of Rroma refugees guilty of professional misconduct. He had submitted ill prepared, vague asylum claims and containing spelling and grammatical mistakes.

– Court slams refugee judge’s rejection of Roma case. In: Metro. 11.10.2016.
– Lawyer guilty of professional misconduct in handling of Roma refugees. In: Metro. 11.10.2016. [link-preview url=”” forceshot=”false”]

UK Media Slammed for Racism

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The ECRI, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance slammed the UK press for using ““offensive, discriminatory and provocative terminology” and fuelling the rise in racist and xenophobic attacks after the Brexit vote.”
Bad, but the sad truth…

– The EU just slammed the UK’s media, and only ONE British paper bothered to report it properly. In: The Canary. 10.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Nottinghamshire and West Yorkshire and Hate Crimes

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The police of Nottinghamshire and West Yorkshire have launched initiatives aiming at reducing and preventing hate crime. In Nottinghamshire, this is explicitly geared towards Rroma and Travellers while in Yorkshire, this is more general.
Good that they do it, bad that is is required.

– Notts police back campaign to stop hate crimes. In: Gainsborough Standard. 10.10.2016.
– West Yorkshire Police Launch Hate Crime Awareness Campaign. In: West Yorkshire Police. 07.10.2016. [link-preview url=”