Daily Archives: November 16, 2016

Vote Buying in Slovakia

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The allegations against Rroma politicians in the Presov region of vote buying have not been confirmed. They were accused of having enticed Rroma to vote by bribing them with cigarette and other gifts.

– Namiesto poslancov Smeru Kubánka s Chudíkom sú vinní Rómovia z Lomničky. In: Dennik. 14.11.2016. https://dennikn.sk/607815/namiesto-poslancov-smeru-kubaneka-s-chudikom-su-vinni-romovia-z-lomnicky/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/607815/namiesto-poslancov-smeru-kubaneka-s-chudikom-su-vinni-romovia-z-lomnicky/”]

Slovakia: A Movie against Racism

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A study of the impact of a movie called Sidliskovy Dream Rhythms showed that it has quite a positive impact on reducing stereotypes and prejudices against Rroma. The movie was seen by nearly 100’000 people in Slovakia and roughly a third of that in the Czech Republic.

– Film o Rytmusovi scitlivil tínedžerov. Ovplyvnil ich názor na Rómov. In: HN Style. 16.11.2016. https://style.hnonline.sk/kultura/860599-film-o-rytmusovi-scitlivil-tinedzerov-ovplyvnil-ich-nazor-na-romov [link-preview url=”https://style.hnonline.sk/kultura/860599-film-o-rytmusovi-scitlivil-tinedzerov-ovplyvnil-ich-nazor-na-romov”]

Bulgaria: Murder

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The murderer of a Rroma couple in the town of Pazardzhik is saying he would do it again. He killed the couple with a knife.

– DER RASSISTISCHE MÖRDER EINES ROMA-EHEPAARS IN BULGARIEN: ‚ICH WÜRDE ES WIEDER TUN!’ In: Roma Anti-Disctimination Network. 09.11.2016. http://ran.eu.com/der-rassistische-morder-eines-roma-ehepaars-in-bulgarien-ich-wurde-es-wieder-tun/ [link-preview url=”http://ran.eu.com/der-rassistische-morder-eines-roma-ehepaars-in-bulgarien-ich-wurde-es-wieder-tun/”]
