Daily Archives: November 19, 2016

UK: 48’000 Pounds Paid

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An Irish pub chain was condemned to pay 48’000 pounds to a group of travellers who was denied access to one of their pubs.

– Wetherspoon pub chain apologise to Irish Travellers and pay over £48,000 in landmark David vs Goliath discrimination case. In: The Irish Post. 17.11.2016. http://irishpost.co.uk/wetherspoon-pub-chain-apologise-irish-travellers-pay-48000-landmark-david-vs-goliath-discrimination-case/ [link-preview url=”http://irishpost.co.uk/wetherspoon-pub-chain-apologise-irish-travellers-pay-48000-landmark-david-vs-goliath-discrimination-case/”]

Hungary – Xenophobia

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Latest numbers on Xenophobia in Hungary. They almost make it sound positive. TO quote: “Only 21% of respondents said they would accept Arabs as their neighbors, while 32% would accept Roma, 35% Christian refugees from Syria, 45% homosexuals, 47% Chinese, 50% Americans, 51% African university students, 57% Jews, 60% rock musicians, and 76% ethnic Hungarian immigrants from Transylvania in Romania, index.hu reported”
This is more positive than saying that 79% of Hungarians would not accept Arabs as their neighbours, 68% would not accept Rroma, etc… The level of xenophobia is indeed high.

– Xenophobia skyrocketing in Hungary, surveys reveal. In: Budapest Journal. 17.11.2016. http://bbj.hu/budapest/xenophobia-skyrocketing-in-hungary-surveys-reveal_124920 [link-preview url=”http://bbj.hu/budapest/xenophobia-skyrocketing-in-hungary-surveys-reveal_124920″]

OSCE Hate Crime Webpage

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To read where your country stands …

– Racism and xenophobia. In: OSCE. 18.11.2016. http://hatecrime.osce.org/what-hate-crime/racism-and-xenophobia [link-preview url=”http://hatecrime.osce.org/what-hate-crime/racism-and-xenophobia”]

OSCE Hate Crime Report

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The OSCE released its yearly report on hate crime. Sobering, especially considering Rroma and Sinti.

– OSCE/ODIHR publishes 2015 hate crime data on International Day for Tolerance, calls for renewed efforts to meet data-collection commitments. In: Diplomatic Intelligence. 18.11.2016. http://www.diplomaticintelligence.eu/international-news/2169-osce-odihr-publishes-2015-hate-crime-data-on-international-day-for-tolerance-calls-for-renewed-efforts-to-meet-data-collection-commitments [link-preview url=”http://www.diplomaticintelligence.eu/international-news/2169-osce-odihr-publishes-2015-hate-crime-data-on-international-day-for-tolerance-calls-for-renewed-efforts-to-meet-data-collection-commitments”]

France: Right to Education?

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One of the fundamental rights of the French Republic, the right to education is being tramped on by many French mayors who refuse to enrol Rroma and migrants in their schools.

– Le droit à l’éducation bafoué par certaines mairies. In: Le Monde. 18.11.2016. http://www.lemonde.fr/education/article/2016/11/18/le-droit-a-l-education-bafoue-par-certaines-mairies_5033207_1473685.html#sUZfZr7EMscvWDmb.99 [link-preview url=”http://www.lemonde.fr/education/article/2016/11/18/le-droit-a-l-education-bafoue-par-certaines-mairies_5033207_1473685.html#sUZfZr7EMscvWDmb.99″]
