Daily Archives: November 23, 2016

Switzerland: Restrictions on Travellers

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The Canto n of St Gallen imposed further restrictions on travellers. They now have to ask for an official authorisation when the camp on private grounds (and pay the owner – up to several thousands Swiss francs).
This is bad, as Switzerland is currently barring foreign Rroma travellers from using the official camping sites for travellers.

– Neue Hürden für Fahrende in St.Gallen. In: FM1 St. Gallen. 20.11.2016. http://www.fm1today.ch/neue-huerden-fuer-fahrende-in-st-gallen/352023 [link-preview url=”http://www.fm1today.ch/neue-huerden-fuer-fahrende-in-st-gallen/352023″]

Slovakia: An article on Kotleba

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A long article on Kotleba’s far right party in Slovakia.

– The REALLY far-right party making gains in Europe: Slovakia’s Kotleba uses Nazi salutes, blames all crime on gypsies and wants to return the country to a ‘Hitler puppet’ In: Mail Online. 19.11.2016. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3949304/Slovakia-comes-grips-proudly-neo-Nazi-party.html#ixzz4QoELTIYr [link-preview url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3949304/Slovakia-comes-grips-proudly-neo-Nazi-party.html#ixzz4QoELTIYr”]

A Rroma Group Supports Hofer

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Stevan Balog Radul, president of the parliament of the new IRU stood officially behind the right extreme candidate for the Austrian Presidency Norbert Hofer.
He and his party (FPÖ) have consistently taken extremist views on minorities and on LGTB and other social issues.
THIS IS A SHAME that a Rroma organisation supports them
The IRU in question is a new International Romani Union and not the original one. The original one has a different president and president of the parliament. These do not support Hofer.

– Roma Organisationen | Keine Unterstützung für Hofer. In: ORF Volksgruppen. 21.11.2016. http://volksgruppen.orf.at/roma/stories/2810332/
– Roma-Initiative wirbt für Hofer. In: Österreich 24. 21.11.2016. http://www.oe24.at/oesterreich/politik/Roma-Initiative-wirbt-fuer-Hofer/259406935
– Roma-Verein wirbt für Hofer: “Ein anständiger Mensch” In: Wiener Zeitung. 21.11.2016. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/themen_channel/integration/gesellschaft/857582_Roma-Verein-wirbt-fuer-Hofer-Ein-anstaendiger-Mensch.html
– Roma-Initiativen distanzieren sich von IRU-Chef – und Hofer. In: Die Presse. 21.11.2016. http://diepresse.com/home/politik/bpwahl/5121742/RomaInitiativen-distanzieren-sich-von-IRUChef-und-Hofer [link-preview url=”http://volksgruppen.orf.at/roma/stories/2810332/”]
