Monthly Archives: November 2016

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Lots of expulsions in the region around Paris. This in spite of the winter and the normal winter pause of such evictions. In Seine et Marne, a large Rroma camp was cleared; 5 camps were cleared in the Essonnes department, for example in Tarterêts; another camp in the Yvelines was also closed; several people were evicted in Argenteuil and stood in front of the St. Denis Basilique in protest; in Montreuil, the families evicted in July still have found no housing; in Coflans St. Honorine, near Paris, Rroma travellers squatted the schoolyard of a local high-school; in Ivry, an association celebrated their work for Rroma; some ecologist activists helped clean up a camp of Rroma travellers; in Lyon, two families were evicted; and near Bordaux, Bulgarian Rroma are accused of having prostituted their children.

– Seine-et-Marne : le camp de Roms géant a été démantelé. In: Le Parisien. 08.11.2016.
– Évry-Grégy-sur-Yerre. Le bidonville démantelé. In: La République. 08.11.2016.
– Le camp de Roms géant démantelé. In: Le Parisien. 09.11.2016.
– Cinq camps de Roms démantelés à Corbeil-Essonnes. In: Le Républicain. 09.11.2016.
– Cinq camps roms démantelés à Corbeil-Essonnes. In: Essonnes Infos. 10.11.2016.
– Corbeil-Essonnes : le camp de Roms proche des Tarterêts évacué. In: Le Parisien. 09.11.2016.
– Montigny-le-Bretonneux. Le camp de roms évacué. In: 78 Actu. 10.11.2016.
– Argenteuil : « Ces gens ont été mis à la rue » In: Le Parisien. 08.11.2016.
– Montreuil: une seule solution (provisoire), la réquisition pour les familles à la rue. In: Médiapart. 11.11.2016.
– Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: Des caravanes de Roms installées au gymnase Joffre. In: La Gazette. 07.11.2016.
– À Ivry, Sperentza fête ses actions en faveur des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 06.11.2016.
– SAINT-THIBAULT-DES-VIGNES ► UN COMMANDO ÉCOLO AIDE LES ROMS À NETTOYER LEUR CAMP. In: Magjournal77. 08.11.2016.►-commando-ecolo-aide-roms-a-nettoyer-camp/
– Gironde : accusés de prostituer leurs enfants. In: Sud Ouest. 08.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Rroma Leaders Ask for EU Funds to Be Blocked

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Italian Rroma leaders have formally asked the EU to block 16 Mio EUR of funds earmarked for the Campania Region specifically for the integration of Rroma. And one knows what these funds were used for in the past: for camps, and for corruption …

– Nazione Rom chiede blocco finanziamento e rispetto della Strategia Nazionale ed Accordi Eu. In: Scrivo Napoli. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Austria: Catholic Bishops Want a Memorial

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An Austrian Bishop conference in Eisenstadt asked for a worthy memorial to the Rroma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust in Austria… Would also have been nice to say that the church did not do much against it when it was happening …

– Bischöfe fordern Gedenkstätten für in der NS-Zeit ermordete Roma. In: Kath Press. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Community Centre Controversy

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Slovakia: Community Centre Controversy

The planned construction of a Rroma community Centre in Poprad, in Eastern Slovakia. A petition has been launched against the project who, according to opponents, has neither head nor tail. It will be built on the site of “illegal” dwellings where Rroma live.

– Komunitné centrum stále rozdeľuje mesto a Matejovčanov. In: Korzar Spiš. 09.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: An Auditorium named after Maximoff

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An auditorium was named after the Kalderaša author Matéo Maximoff. His daughter is interviewed in a French paper.

– « Mon père était une figure de proue des Roms » In: Le Parisien. 03.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: A Politician Advocates Segregation

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Richard Sulik, head of the rightist party Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) is openly advocating segregation of Rroma in the education system in Slovakia. He also made several other derogatory comments about minorities and LGBT.

– Segregácia pre Rómov a študentské pôžičky ako program pre školstvo? In: Dennik. 09.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Otto Pankok

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An exhibition of the works of the painter Otto Pankok in commemoration of his 50th anniversary of his death.

– Vom Frühwerk bis zum späten Schaffen. In: RP Online. 11.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Italy: Racist Agression

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Paolo Cagna Ninchi, the president of the organisation Upre Roma was insulted and beaten up because his wife Dijana Pavlovic “is the gypsy who goes on television”.

– “Tua moglie è la zingara della televisione”, poi le botte. In: Stranieri in Italia. 08.11.2016.
– Rom, Uil: “Ora campagna antirazzista e riconoscimento minoranza”. In: Stranieri in Italia. 09.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Balance Development

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The Slovenian Government is promising a balanced development plan for its south-eastern region, and furthering the integration of Rroma.
Let’s see…

– Govt promises balanced development in SE Slovenia. In: STA> 09.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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During the Remembrance Day in the UK, an article that cites the many Rroma and Travellers who died in World War One.
May they rest in peace.

– Paving stone to be unveiled for Scunthorpe Victoria Cross recipient on Remembrance Sunday. In: Scunthorpe Telegraph. 08.11.2016.

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Did you know that there is a small Rroma minority in Cyprus, a minority cited at the start of talks between the ministers of both sides of the Island.

– Cyprus: Why One of the World’s Most Intractable Conflicts Continues. In: The New Yor Times. 07.11.2016.


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A really bad article in the Slovak Press about a family of grieving Rroma in Trnava who, according to the newspaper, disrupted the work of the doctors with their mourning for their deceased relative …

– Poplach pred trnavskou nemocnicou: Skupina Rómov sa prišla rozlúčiť so svojím milovaným vajdom. In: 07.11.2016.–Skupina-Romov-sa-prisla-rozlucit-so-svojim-milovanym-vajdom [link-preview url=”–Skupina-Romov-sa-prisla-rozlucit-so-svojim-milovanym-vajdom”]

Auschwitz: Appeal for Peace

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Leaders from several of the main monotheistic religions have issued an appeal for peace in Auschwitz.
GOOD … especially since these monotheistic religions were often at the core of the persecutions.
BUT … Let’s be historically correct. More than one Mio of Jews were killed in Auschwitz. Yes, we agree. There were also 25’000 Rroma who were registered there. REGISTERED. More were killed. Exactly as Jews, those who were gassed immediately were not in the registers. Ca. 350 thousand Jews were registered. Let’s keep that in mind. It is to this day impossible to know how many Rroma were killed.
May they all rest in peace.

– A Auschwitz, l’appel à la paix des chefs religieux monothéistes d’Israël. In: L’Express. 02.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Aggression against a Rroma Activist

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Paolo Cagna Ninchi, the president of the association Upre Rom, was aggressed and beaten up in Milan, and his wife was also insulted.

– “Tua moglie è la zingara che va in televisione”. E scatta l’aggressione. In: Il Giorno. 07.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Brexit and Rroma

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More on the worries of minorities in the UK after the Brexit vote…

– After-Brexit Worries. In: America, the National Catholic Review. [link-preview url=””]


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The Gatestone institute wrote a piece on “no go zones” in Germany, and managed to pack a bunch of nasty and totally inacceptable stereotypes in the process… Totally beyonf the point. For example: “thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians (including Sinti and Roma “gypsies”) have flocked to Duisburg”, Sinti are locals, and the thousands are not there; “New migrants from Bulgaria and Romania are adding to the problems”, what problems, if not the ones of the journalist; this mixed with factual reporting such as “At night, Romanian residents dance on the streets, the sound system in the car supplies loud music” taken from the German Press.
Well, this article is full of stereotypes and is BAD!!!

– Inside Germany’s No-Go Zones: Part I – North Rhine-Westphalia. In: Gatestone Institute. 07.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Mateo Maximoff

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An article about Mateo Maximoff’s daughter, Nouka. Mateo was one of the first persons to write in Rromanes and in France his books are well known.

– « Mon père était une figure de proue des Roms » In: Le Parisien. 03.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: An Appeal

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An appeal in France coming right after the acknowledgement of the internment of Rroma by the French government during World War Two to repeal the statu of “gens du voyage” and to stop the discrimination against them and Rroma in general.

– Internement des Tsiganes : Il n’est jamais trop tard pour reconnaître ses erreurs. In: Saphir News. 30.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia: Prime Minister Attends International Romanes Day

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The Croatian Prime minister Plenkovic attended the celebration of the international Romanes day in Zagreb.

– Prime Minister Plenkovic attended International Romani Language Day. In: Government of Croatia. 04.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Munich: An Exhibition on Rroma Persecution

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An exhibition in Munich in the documentation centre on Nazi is commemorating the persecution of Sinti and Rroma through the National Socialists between 1933 and 1945.

– Die Verfolgung der Sinti und Roma in München. In: Bayrisches Rundfunk. 04.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]