Daily Archives: December 5, 2016

Slovakia: The President and Rroma Education

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Slovak President Andrej Kiska says that education is the way to address the Rroma issue and have them acquire the skills and education that are required on the labour market. Nice. It would help if the country stops segregating Rroma in schools…

– Rómsky problém je otázkou vzdelania. Kiska má riešenie. In: Aktualne. 29.11.2016. http://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/skolstvo/romsky-problem-je-podla-kisku-otazka-vzdelania-treba-im-vytvorit-podmienky.html

Lausanne: Occasional Begging

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Lausanne banned begging a while back. Now they are backing off in saying that “occasional” begging should be allowed, i.e. if you don’t have enough money for your public transportation ticket.
In fact, they are trying to keep the interdiction in place for Rroma only … They could say it, it would be at least transparent.

– «Le concept de mendicité occasionnelle stigmatise les Roms» In: La Tribune de Genève. 30.11.2016. http://www.tdg.ch/suisse/Le-concept-de-mendicite-occasionnelle-stigmatise-les-Roms/story/11362085

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