Daily Archives: December 6, 2016

UK: Really Bad !!!

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An article from the Daily Mail is really bad … It speaks about a proposal for migrants to the UK to take an oath of allegiance (which this paper seems to like) and bashes the critics who “ignore” the facts.
And if you read the facts about Rroma, well … They are again being used as a bad example to illustrate the ills of migration.

– ‘Right on’ critics are ignoring problems caused by immigration, government tsar warns after Muslim groups condemn her ‘inflammatory call’ for newcomers to take a vow of allegiance. In: Daily Mail. 05.12.2016. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4000062/Swear-oath-live-Britain-Major-report-says-migrants-pledge-follow-values-soon-arrive-says-pace-immigration-communities.html [link-preview url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4000062/Swear-oath-live-Britain-Major-report-says-migrants-pledge-follow-values-soon-arrive-says-pace-immigration-communities.html”]

Slovakia: Living in Dignity

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An article and interview of a project aiming at improving the licing conditions in the Osada (Rroma quarters). It asks the questions of what it needs for these communities to live in dignity and what it means for the architecture, be it for social housing or private construction.

– Aj v rómskej osade sa dá žiť dôstojne (rozhovor). In: Aktuality. 05.12.2016. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/392157/aj-v-romskej-osade-sa-da-zit-dostojne-rozhovor/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/392157/aj-v-romskej-osade-sa-da-zit-dostojne-rozhovor/”]

Hungary and Poverty

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26.3% of the Hungarian population is at risk of poverty. This is a huge number, 2.54 Mio people. And no, contrary to what some people say, they are not all Rroma. There are “only” around 800’000 Rroma in Hungary and not all fall in that category.
This is a dismal number and it is one of the drivers of the xenophobism and anti-Rroma attitude in the country.

– KSH: 26.3% of Hungarians at risk of poverty or exclusion. In: Budapest Business Journal. 05.12.2016. http://bbj.hu/economy/ksh-263-of-hungarians-at-risk-of-poverty-or-exclusion_125761 [link-preview url=”http://bbj.hu/economy/ksh-263-of-hungarians-at-risk-of-poverty-or-exclusion_125761″]
