In Memory, and a very fond one … [link-preview url=””]
Daily Archives: December 31, 2016
Slovakia: Ombudsman and Rroma
The Slovakian Ombudsman is quite clear on the deplorable housing situation of Rroma …
– Ombudsmanka: Situácia ľudí v unimobunkách je žalostná. In: Žilinski Večernik. 30.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]
Exhibition on Rroma near Paris
A photographs exhibition on Rroma near Paris in Bagnolet. Nice pictures, but as usual, all clichés…
– Bagnolet : les Roms au cœur d’une exposition. In: Le Parisien. 29.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]
Good Old Times ???
Alexander Gauland, from the AfD party is reminiscing about the “good old times” …
Well, the times he is referring to are not so good if you were not mainstream. It was the time where Nazis exterminated people based on race and eugenics …
– Kommentar zur Forderung des AfD-Vize Was Gauland unter der guten alten Zeit versteht. In: Berliner Zeitung. 30.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]