Monthly Archives: December 2016

Rome: Close the Camps?

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The municipal council will be discussing a motion to close all Rroma camps around the capital. This motion was deposited a while back by several organisations.
Let’s hope, as these camps are a shame and a source of corruption within the administration of the city.

– Chiudere i campi nomadi? Se ne discute in XV. In: Vigna Clara Blog. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: A Community Centre Issue

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The proposed opening of a Rroma community centre in Poprad, a small community in Eastern Slovakia continues to raise controversy. The residents are adamantly against the centre, not per se, but because of its prime location in the community.
In brief: Community centre, maybe, but not here in the centre … This says it all.

– Diskusie o komunitnom centre v Matejovciach stále pokračujú. In: Korzar Spiš. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Rome: Close the Camps?

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The municipal council will be discussing a motion to close all Rroma camps around the capital. This motion was deposited a while back by several organisations.
Let’s hope, as these camps are a shame and a source of corruption within the administration of the city.

– Chiudere i campi nomadi? Se ne discute in XV. In: Vigna Clara Blog. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Really Bad !!!

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An article from the Daily Mail is really bad … It speaks about a proposal for migrants to the UK to take an oath of allegiance (which this paper seems to like) and bashes the critics who “ignore” the facts.
And if you read the facts about Rroma, well … They are again being used as a bad example to illustrate the ills of migration.

– ‘Right on’ critics are ignoring problems caused by immigration, government tsar warns after Muslim groups condemn her ‘inflammatory call’ for newcomers to take a vow of allegiance. In: Daily Mail. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Living in Dignity

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An article and interview of a project aiming at improving the licing conditions in the Osada (Rroma quarters). It asks the questions of what it needs for these communities to live in dignity and what it means for the architecture, be it for social housing or private construction.

– Aj v rómskej osade sa dá žiť dôstojne (rozhovor). In: Aktuality. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Poverty

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26.3% of the Hungarian population is at risk of poverty. This is a huge number, 2.54 Mio people. And no, contrary to what some people say, they are not all Rroma. There are “only” around 800’000 Rroma in Hungary and not all fall in that category.
This is a dismal number and it is one of the drivers of the xenophobism and anti-Rroma attitude in the country.

– KSH: 26.3% of Hungarians at risk of poverty or exclusion. In: Budapest Business Journal. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia and Brexit

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The interesting story of a small Slovak town which benefited a lot from the remittances of Slovaks (many of them Rroma) living in the UK. They now fear for the future of this little town following Brexit.

– Roma fear Brexit to bring back bad times for their thriving Slovak town. In: Reuters. 02.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: The President and Rroma Education

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Slovak President Andrej Kiska says that education is the way to address the Rroma issue and have them acquire the skills and education that are required on the labour market. Nice. It would help if the country stops segregating Rroma in schools…

– Rómsky problém je otázkou vzdelania. Kiska má riešenie. In: Aktualne. 29.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Lausanne: Occasional Begging

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Lausanne banned begging a while back. Now they are backing off in saying that “occasional” begging should be allowed, i.e. if you don’t have enough money for your public transportation ticket.
In fact, they are trying to keep the interdiction in place for Rroma only … They could say it, it would be at least transparent.

– «Le concept de mendicité occasionnelle stigmatise les Roms» In: La Tribune de Genève. 30.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

This week is quieter than the normal in France on Rroma. Close to Paris, in Pierefitte, the residents ask for the closure of a camp; in the Corbeil-Essonnes, also close to Paris, Rroma who were left of the street following the fire of their squat have found a place to stay; in Ervry-Grégy sur Yerres, the clean-up of a former Rroma camp will cost 360’000 Euro, here one has to say that often, non Rroma take the opportunity to dump their garbage in such situations; in Montreuil, the mayor and administration is going a long way to try to eliminate all traces of the presence of Rroma – Rroma who are still on the street.
In other parts of France, in the North, an association is promoting fraternity with Rroma; in the North still, a camp was evicted but the Rroma relocated themselves nearby; in Nantes, 80 voluntaries helped cleaning up the garbage left after the eviction of two Rroma camps; and near Toulouse, a mayor is asking for the closure of a camp.
In Nearby Belgium, a camp was closed and here, o wonder, its residents were lodged by the social services …

– Pierrefitte : les habitants réclament l’évacuation du camp de Roms. In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2016.
– Corbeil-Essonnes : les Roms sinistrés ont été relogés. In: Le Parisien. 27.11.2016.
– Evry-Grégy-sur-Yerres : le nettoyage du camp rom évacué coûtera 360 000 €. In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2016.
– Familles roms expulsées à Montreuil: un dispositif d’élimination. In: Mediapart. 01.12.2016.
– Migrants, réfugiés, roms: une association valenciennoise promeut la fraternité. In: La Voix du Nord. 02.12.2016.
– Expulsé, le camp de Roms déménage 10 mètres plus loin. In: La Voix du Nord. 27.11.2016.
– 80 bénévoles pour nettoyer deux anciens camps de roms à Nantes. In: RCA. 28.11.2016.
– Le maire veut «évacuer le camp illégal» de Ginestous. In: La Dépèche. 01.12.2016.
– Expulsion du camp de Roms au parc de la Ligne 28: les familles relogées par le Samusocial. In: SudInfor (BE). 02.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

US: Lousy Series

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A new series called “Shut Eye” will be streamed in the US on Hulu starting on December 7th. See the trailed in the post.
Well, it is a series on “Gypsies, tramps and thieves” … Can someone tell them this is outright racisim?

– Someone tell Hulu’s ‘Shut Eye’ to shut up. In: San Francisco Chronicle. 02.12.2016.
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Slovakia: A Review of the EU Survey

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A Slovakian view on the EU survey which interviewed a number of Rroma in that country. The results for Slovakia are bad. Children go to sleep hungry, do not go to school, families have no water, no toilet, entire families are unemployed, etc.

– Slovensko 2016: Rómske deti idú spať hladné, nechodia do škôlky, rodiny nemajú vodu ani toaletu. In: Dennik. 29.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Holocaust and Skating

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Two articles on the Holocaust themed Skating performance that is actually an insult to the victims.

– Russian Holocaust ice-skating routine slammed as ‘unbelievably tasteless’. In: CNN. 28.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Poverty Chart

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The Economist publishes a chart on Rroma Poverty. The chart is obviously based on the survey in Europe of the 36’000 Rroma. It is nevertheless a good illustration of the results of the survey.

– Poverty among Europe’s Roma community. In: The Economist. 30.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: A Rroma View

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An interview with Michal Mižigar on inclusion and on the future. He speaks on schools, and on the still prevalent use of special schools to segregate Rroma. A worthy read!
Bravo Michu!

– Michal Mižigár: Inclusion is an opportunity for a better life. In: 02.12.2016 [link-preview url=””]

Portugal: Rroma Are Amongst the Most Discriminated

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Another result of the survey in the EU on Rroma: Almost half of the interviewed Rroma in Portugal felt they have been discriminated against at some point in the past year! This is an extremely high percentage in a Western European Country.

– Portugal’s gypsies feel they are among the most discriminated against in Europe. In: News Online. 01.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

European Union Admits Failure

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The European Agency of Fundamental Rights admitted failure in stopping the discrimination against Rroma. Again the 80% figure of Rroma living under poverty. We repeat, it is 80% of the 36’000 interviewed Rroma. This is different, but it seems that some journalists ought to go back to school and learn about percentages.

– L’UE reconnait son échec dans la lutte contre la discrimination des Roms. In: Euractiv. 30.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: Politician Condemned

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Paul-Marie Coûteaux, a member of the Front National and a close ally of Marine Le Pen was condemned for racism for statements he published in his blog where he suggested that Rroma “ be concentrated in camps” …
This is by far not the first politician from this party who has made racist statements. He is not appealing his condemnation.

– Condamné pour ses propos sur les Roms, l’ex candidat FN renonce à l’appel. In: Ouest France. 28.11.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

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A forum on the integration of Rroma just completed in Podgorica, Montenegro. It was organised by the Action Team “Roma Integration 2020”, a project aimed at furthering the integration of Rroma in Europe.
We hope that this will not be another paper tiger but a real one which will advance the cause.

– Podgorica: Završen ciklus foruma o pitanjima Roma. In: Blic. 01.12.2016.
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