Daily Archives: January 4, 2017

Michail Krausnick

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The German Author Michail Krausnick, who has relentlessly engaged himself against discrimination has been awarded the Lagrenne prize of the City of Manheim for his work. The Prize is named after a well known Sinti Family of the region, the Lagrenne’s.

– Gegen Diskriminierung und Rassismus. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 04.12.2016. http://www.rnz.de/nachrichten/metropolregion_artikel,-Gegen-Diskriminierung-und-Rassismus-_arid,245795.html [link-preview url=”http://www.rnz.de/nachrichten/metropolregion_artikel,-Gegen-Diskriminierung-und-Rassismus-_arid,245795.html”]

Racist Graffiti in Montreuil

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Seems that the French police has apprehended the author of the racist anti-Jewish and anti-Rroma tags on a pre-school in Montreuil (we reported).

– #MONTREUIL L’auteur présumé des tags antisémites et anti-roms sur l’école Anne-Frank sera jugé dans la journée. In: L’Obs. 28.12.2016. http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/en-direct/a-chaud/31732-montreuil-auteur-presume-antisemites-ecole-frank-journ.html
– TAGS ANTISÉMITES ET ANTI-ROMS À MONTREUIL : LE QUADRAGÉNAIRE DEVANT LE TRIBUNAL DE BOBIGNY CE MERCREDI. In: LCI.28.12.2016. http://www.lci.fr/faits-divers/tags-antisemites-et-anti-roms-a-montreuil-le-quadragenaire-devant-la-17e-chambre-du-tribunal-correctionnel-de-bobigny-ce-mercredi-2019178.html [link-preview url=”http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/en-direct/a-chaud/31732-montreuil-auteur-presume-antisemites-ecole-frank-journ.html”]

Rroma – Not a Profession

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An interesting article on the Ukrainian Rroma, and most notably on the Servi, a group of Rroma that is thought to have fled present day Romania very early and have a Vlach dialect. Recent research seem to say that they have Carpathian origins. Seems unlikely although there are Carpathian Rroma in the Ukraine, the Plaščuni.

– Цыган — это не профессия. In: Internatioal Society for Romani Culture Studies. 29.12.2016. http://www.kulturom.ru/news/2016/12/29/panchenko [link-preview url=”http://www.kulturom.ru/news/2016/12/29/panchenko”]
