Daily Archives: January 8, 2017

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Not much in the French news this week… The Rroma camp on the disused rail tracks of the “petite ceinture” is recreated in Paris, more than a year after its closure; a camp is cloed in Bonneuil, near Paris; an article about the 84% increase of so-called SDFs – Sans Domicile Fixe, i.e. without a fixed home in Paris; 4 young Rroma kids arrested near Paris for stealing 2 cars; Christmas with Rroma in Montreuil; in Lille in the North about security near a Rroma camp, where the street lights no longer work; and finally, in Toulouse a new squat with close to 400 people.

– Paris : un camp de Roms grossit à nouveau sur les rails de la “petite ceinture” In: Europe 1. 07.01.2017. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/paris-un-camp-de-roms-grossit-a-nouveau-sur-les-rails-de-la-petite-ceinture-2944268
– Paris: un nouveau camp de Roms sur la “Petite ceinture” In: FR3. 07.01.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/paris/paris-nouveau-camp-roms-petite-ceinture-1169533.html
– Paris : un nouveau camp rom s’est reconstituée sur les rails de la partie nord de la «petite ceinture» In: Libération. 06.01.2017. http://www.liberation.fr/direct/element/paris-un-nouveau-camp-rom-sest-reconstituee-sur-les-rails-de-la-partie-nord-de-la-petite-ceinture_55319/
– Bonneuil : grâce à la Métropole du Grand Paris, le Bec de canard va être rendu aux promeneurs. In: Le Parisien. 03.01.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/bonneuil-sur-marne-94380/bonneuil-grace-a-la-metropole-du-grand-paris-le-bec-de-canard-va-etre-rendu-aux-promeneurs-03-01-2017-6520989.php
– A Paris, le nombre de sans domicile fixe a augmenté de 84 % en douze ans – Regardez. In: M. 06.01.2017. http://www.jeanmarcmorandini.com/article-363274-a-paris-le-nombre-de-sans-domicile-fixe-a-augmente-de-84-en-douze-ans-regardez.html
– Arrêtés après avoir tenté de s’emparer de deux véhicules. In: Le Parisien. 06.01.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/espace-premium/seine-et-marne-77/arretes-apres-avoir-tente-de-s-emparer-de-deux-vehicules-06-01-2017-6531447.php
– Avec Agnès Cluzel, un Noël 2016 chez les roms du terrain Voltaire à Saint Denis (93). In: Mediapart. 03.01.2017. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/392809/blog/030117/avec-agnes-cluzel-un-noel-2016-chez-les-roms-du-terrain-voltaire-saint-denis-93
– La sécurité en question sur le boulevard Schuman plongé dans le noir. In: La Voix du Nord. 04.01.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/98378/article/2017-01-04/la-securite-en-question-sur-le-boulevard-schuman-plonge-dans-le-noir
– Toulouse: A trois kilomètres du Capitole, un squat insalubre accueille 400 personnes. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 06.01.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/toulouse/1990575-20170106-toulouse-trois-kilometres-capitole-squat-insalubre-accueille-400-personnes [link-preview url=”https://blogs.mediapart.fr/392809/blog/030117/avec-agnes-cluzel-un-noel-2016-chez-les-roms-du-terrain-voltaire-saint-denis-93 “]

Slovakia and Racism

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Milan Mazurek, an extreme rightist is being investigated for racist comments he made in the Zilina radio Frontinus. He came to the radio in October 2016 instead of Kotleba, the head of the extreme rightist party in Slovakia. The radio itself is also under investigation for breaching broadcasting standards and violating impartiality and objectivity standards in the news.
Let’s see what happens next …

– Mazurek za svoje vyjadrenia o Rómoch zrejme ponesie následky. In: TA3. http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1097425/mazurek-za-svoje-vyjadrenia-o-romoch-zrejme-ponesie-nasledky.html
– Vystúpenie poslanca Mazureka v žilinskom rádiu už začala preverovať Rada pre vysielanie. In: Žilinak. 05.01.2017. https://www.zilinak.sk/prispevky/5518/vystupenie-poslanca-mazureka-v-zilinskom-radiu-uz-zacala-preverovat-rada-pre-vysielanie [link-preview url=”https://www.zilinak.sk/prispevky/5518/vystupenie-poslanca-mazureka-v-zilinskom-radiu-uz-zacala-preverovat-rada-pre-vysielanie”]

Bosnian Rrom Actor

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The Bosnian Rroma actor Nazif Mujic who won a Silver Bear award for Best Actor for his performance in the film ‘An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker’ at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2013 is selling his trophy because he needs money.
A shame for Bosnia and for us all.

– Roma actor sells Silver Bear award to feed kids. In: ENCA. 07.01.2017. http://www.enca.com/life/entertainment/roma-actor-sells-silver-bear-award-to-feed-kids [link-preview url=”http://www.enca.com/life/entertainment/roma-actor-sells-silver-bear-award-to-feed-kids”]

Germany AfD and their Program

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Scary, the AfD is continuing its campaigns against migrants and immigration. All Rroma are clearly beggars in their minds. And oh God, what if they realise there are also Moslem Rroma …
Sick minds.

– Wir bleiben mal ganz sachlich. In: Taz. 05.01.2017. https://www.taz.de/AfD-in-Berlin/!5368561/ [link-preview url=”https://www.taz.de/AfD-in-Berlin/!5368561/”]
