Daily Archives: January 10, 2017

Jenische of Singen

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An article about the Jenische in Singen, Germany.

– Vergessene Minderheit? In Singen leben viele Jenische. In: Reutlinger Nachrichten. 09.01.2017. http://www.swp.de/reutlingen/nachrichten/suedwestumschau/vergessene-minderheit_in-singen-leben-viele-jenische-14278137.html [link-preview url=”http://www.swp.de/reutlingen/nachrichten/suedwestumschau/vergessene-minderheit_in-singen-leben-viele-jenische-14278137.html”]

Latvia: Hunger Death

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A report on the death by hunger of several members of a Rroma family in Dobel. Really bad, and yes, some of the small Rroma community there are really poor and left out.

– Трагедия в Добеле: вновь встал вопрос интеграции ромов (29) In: Delphi. 07.01.2017. http://rus.delfi.lv/news/daily/latvia/tragediya-v-dobele-vnov-vstal-vopros-integracii-romov.d?id=48384925 [link-preview url=”http://rus.delfi.lv/news/daily/latvia/tragediya-v-dobele-vnov-vstal-vopros-integracii-romov.d?id=48384925″]

A Documentary on Prostitutes

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An article about a documentary on young male Rroma prostitutes in Vienna. This is a rather recent phenomena, and is also seen in Switzwerland. There, the Rroma come from Romania and Slovakia .
Good that one speaks about it, bad that this happens.

– Avec les tapins roms de Vienne dans « Brothers of the night » In: Hétéroclite. 08.01.2017. http://www.heteroclite.org/2017/01/brothers-of-the-night-patric-chiha-38485 [link-preview url=”http://www.heteroclite.org/2017/01/brothers-of-the-night-patric-chiha-38485″]
