Daily Archives: January 20, 2017

Sheffield …

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Another report on the institutional racism against Rroma children in UK’s schools, this time in Sheffield.

‘Sheffield is welcoming – but not for young Roma Slovaks’. In: The Telegraph. 19.01.2017. http://www.sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk/news/sheffield-is-welcoming-but-not-for-young-roma-slovaks-1-8340923 [link-preview url=”http://www.sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk/news/sheffield-is-welcoming-but-not-for-young-roma-slovaks-1-8340923″]

More on Odessa

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A follow up on the anti-Rroma posters and leaflets being distributed in Odessa since the end of last year. The people who distribute them are still not identified, and it seems that not much is being done …

– Як боротись з ксенофобними листівками? In: Громадське Радіо. 15.01.2017. https://hromadskeradio.org/programs/rankova-hvylya/yak-borotys-z-ksenofobnymy-listivkamy [link-preview url=”https://hromadskeradio.org/programs/rankova-hvylya/yak-borotys-z-ksenofobnymy-listivkamy”]

Hungary Condemned

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The European Court for Human Rights condemned Hungary for its lack of protection of Rroma against extreme rightist violence. This is the consequence of a march of ca. 500 Jobbik members through a Rroma neighbourhood in Devecser, chanting racist slogan and threatening the Rroma who lived there. The police did of course nothing.

Ungarn wegen mangelndem Schutz von Roma vor Rechtsextremen verurteilt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 17.01.2017. https://www.nzz.ch/international/europaeischer-menschenrechtsgerichtshof-ungarn-wegen-mangelndem-schutz-von-roma-vor-rechtsextremen-verurteilt-ld.140407 [link-preview url=”https://www.nzz.ch/international/europaeischer-menschenrechtsgerichtshof-ungarn-wegen-mangelndem-schutz-von-roma-vor-rechtsextremen-verurteilt-ld.140407″]
