Daily Archives: January 21, 2017

Bibliography of Romani Rose

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A bibliography of Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany has just been published.

– https://www.facebook.com/Behar-Heinemann-Romani-Rose-ein-Leben-für-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/ [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/Behar-Heinemann-Romani-Rose-ein-Leben-für-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/”]

Slovenia: Gentrification

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In Krško, the municipality is planning a residential neighbourhood on the site of a Rroma settlement. A petition was launched and the Slovenian government referred it back to the municipality…
This is not the first time that Rroma are evicted in this manner.

– Krški župan Stanko: Vlada odgovornost pri nameravani gradnji na območju romskega zaselka prelaga na občino. In: STA. 20.01.2017. https://www.sta.si/2347637/krski-zupan-stanko-vlada-odgovornost-pri-nameravani-gradnji-na-obmocju-romskega-zaselka-prelaga-na-obcino [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2347637/krski-zupan-stanko-vlada-odgovornost-pri-nameravani-gradnji-na-obmocju-romskega-zaselka-prelaga-na-obcino”]

Slovakia and world War Two

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A testimony of massacres of Rroma during World War Two in Slovakia. Rroma there were often accused to collaborate with the resistance and were therefore deported or simply executed. While this was true in some cases, in others, this was simply a pretext to kill Rroma.
The testimony here is about a massacre in the village of Čierneho Balog in central Slovakia.

– Neviem, kde sa vo mne tá odvaha nabrala. In: Dennik. 20.01.2017. https://dennikn.sk/blog/neviem-kde-sa-vo-mne-ta-odvaha-nabrala/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/blog/neviem-kde-sa-vo-mne-ta-odvaha-nabrala/”]
