Daily Archives: January 24, 2017

Germany: Vigils for Rroma Holocaust Victims

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An association supporting the “stepping stones” – the little stones that remember victims of the Holocaust – has been organising vigils specifically for Rroma and Sinti.

– Mahnwache gedenkt Sinti und Roma. In: Südkurrier. 24.01.2017. http://www.suedkurier.de/region/schwarzwald-baar-heuberg/villingen-schwenningen/Mahnwache-gedenkt-Sinti-und-Roma;art372541,9098240 [link-preview url=”http://www.suedkurier.de/region/schwarzwald-baar-heuberg/villingen-schwenningen/Mahnwache-gedenkt-Sinti-und-Roma;art372541,9098240″]

Ukraine: Camp on a Dump

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A reportage on a Rroma camp built on a garbage dump in the village of Ribne, near Ivano-Frankivsk. Roughly 500 Rroma live there in appalling conditions, and it seems to be growing.

– Франківець показав, як живе близько п’ятиста циган на сміттєзвалищі у Рибному (фото). In: Версіі. 19.01.2017. http://versii.if.ua/novunu/frankivets-pokazav-yak-zhivut-500-tsigan-na-smittyezvalishhi-u-ribnomu-foto/ [link-preview url=”http://versii.if.ua/novunu/frankivets-pokazav-yak-zhivut-500-tsigan-na-smittyezvalishhi-u-ribnomu-foto/”]

Sheffield – More on it

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More news on the Sheffield scandal where many Rroma children are being bullied out of school and where the teachers do nothing about it. This time, at long last there seem to be a bit of uproar, and a head teacher calls it by its name: RACISM …

– One in six Roma students excluded from school in Sheffield. In: Yorkshire News. 23.01.2017. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/one-in-six-roma-students-excluded-from-school-in-sheffield-1-8349035 [link-preview url=”http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/one-in-six-roma-students-excluded-from-school-in-sheffield-1-8349035″]
