Daily Archives: January 31, 2017

Marine Le Pen in Northern France

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The president (and presidential candidate) of the Front National said in a meeting in Dinan, in the north, that criminality and insecurity were the result of the presence of 1’000 Rroma in that city.
This is racism at its worst.

– Sécurité à Denain : Marine Le Pen met en cause “1000 Roms” In: FR3 Nord Pas de Calais. 27.01.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/nord-pas-de-calais/nord/denain/securite-denain-marine-pen-met-cause-1-000-roms-1184947.html
– Pour Marine Le Pen, il y a de l’insécurité « parce qu’il y a 1 000 Roms sur la ville » In: La Voix du Nord. 27.01.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/109864/article/2017-01-27/pour-marine-le-pen-il-y-de-l-insecurite-parce-qu-il-y-1-000-roms-sur-la-ville
– Dans le Nord, Marine Le Pen joue la carte anti-Fillon. In: L’Oeuil sur Le Front. 27.01.2017. https://oeilsurlefront.liberation.fr/actualites/dans-le-nord-marine-le-pen-en-croisade-contre-fillon [link-preview url=”https://oeilsurlefront.liberation.fr/actualites/dans-le-nord-marine-le-pen-en-croisade-contre-fillon”]

UK: Hate Crimes

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A short article on hate crimes against minorities, especially Rroma, that are unreported in Southern Wales. Up to 40% of such crimes are never reported.

– Gwent hate crime going unreported. In: Free Press. 26.01.2017. http://www.freepressseries.co.uk/news/15049435.Gwent_hate_crime_going_unreported/ [link-preview url=”http://www.freepressseries.co.uk/news/15049435.Gwent_hate_crime_going_unreported/”]

Croatia, Holocaust and Boycott

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This year, Jews again boycotted the Croatian commemorations of the Holocaust. Several Rroma organisations too, although several other did attend.
An explanation of why this boycott: The history is being quietly rewritten in Croatia, and the crimes of the Ustasha and the murders they committed are being retouched.
Rroma and Jews were their victims in camps such as the infamous Jasenovac.

Why Croatian Jews Boycotted This Year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. In: The Smithonian. 27.01.2017. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-croatian-jews-boycotted-years-holocaust-remembrance-day-180961958/ [link-preview url=”http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-croatian-jews-boycotted-years-holocaust-remembrance-day-180961958/”]
