Daily Archives: February 1, 2017

It spreads …

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Bad !

http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/roma-king-offers-to-build-trump-s-mexico-wall-02-01-2017 [link-preview url=”http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/roma-king-offers-to-build-trump-s-mexico-wall-02-01-2017″]

That is What We Did Not Need

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Dorin Cioaba, from the family of the former kalderaša „king“ Cioba said in an int review that Rroma would be willing to work on the Trump Wall, as they have no work in their home countries.
He really missed an opportunity not to say anything.

– Sel-proclaimed Roma King says his people want to build Trump’s wall between the US and Mexico. In: Romania Insider. 31.01.2017. http://www.romania-insider.com/self-proclaimed-roma-king-says-gypsies-want-build-trumps-wall-u-s-mexico/ [link-preview url=”http://www.romania-insider.com/self-proclaimed-roma-king-says-gypsies-want-build-trumps-wall-u-s-mexico/”]

Berlin: Exhibition on Ethnic Cleansing

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A new exhibition titled “when Berlin was Gypsy-free” opened in Berlin. The exhibition highlights the persecution of Rroma and Sinti in Germany and in its capital and especially the “cleansing” of the city prior to the 1936 Olympic Games.

– Als Berlin “Zigeunerfrei” war. In: Junge Welt. 01.02.2017. https://www.jungewelt.de/2017/02-01/139.php [link-preview url=”https://www.jungewelt.de/2017/02-01/139.php”]

Lausanne: Salvation Army and Homeless

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The Salvation Army in Lausanne opened up a shelter for the homeless in Lausanne. Most of the people taking advantage of it in the cold spell in Lausanne are Rroma – mostly from Romania.

– «Ce qui compte, c’est mettre les enfants au chaud» In: 24 Heures. 27.01.2017. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/c-mettre-enfants-chaud/story/11029090 [link-preview url=”http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/c-mettre-enfants-chaud/story/11029090″]
