Daily Archives: February 5, 2017

Christian Clavier’s Latest Movie

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The French comic Christian Clavier’s latest movie “A bras ouvert” [with open arms] tells the story of a Frenchman who lodges a family of Rroma… Needless to say, all clichés are there.

– Bande-annonce : Christian Clavier accueille les Roms “A bras ouverts” In: OZAP. 03.02.107. http://www.ozap.com/actu/bande-annonce-christian-clavier-accueille-les-roms-a-bras-ouverts/518629
– A bras ouverts : Christian Clavier accueille des Roms chez lui [Bande-annonce]. In: L’Internaute. 31.01.2017. http://www.linternaute.com/cinema/film/1360745-a-bras-ouverts-christian-clavier-accueille-des-roms-chez-lui-bande-annonce/

French Chronicle …

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Very few news this week around Rroma in France – probably because between Trump and Fillon – the presidential candidate mired in an affair of fictitious jobs for his wife – left nop space in the papers for Rroma …
The petite ceinture camp in the North of Paris is not yet closed and can stay; a camp in Villiers le Bel, near Paris, has been closed; the story of a camp in the South West, miserable; and finally, children as the victims of the life in the street.

– Paris : le bidonville de la Petite Ceinture en sursis. In: Le Parisien. 03.02.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75017/paris-le-bidonville-de-la-petite-ceinture-en-sursis-03-02-2017-6653367.php
– Un camp de roms démantelé à Villiers-le-Bel. In: Paris Vox. 02.02.2017. https://www.parisvox.info/2017/02/02/camp-de-roms-demantele-a-villiers-bel/
– Un campement de misère dans l’impasse. In: Sud Ouest. 31.01.2017. http://www.sudouest.fr/2017/01/31/un-campement-de-misere-dans-l-impasse-3154888-3229.php
– “On n’est pas dangereux, on a juste besoin d’aide” : qui sont ces enfants qui vivent dans la rue en France ? In: France Info. 31.01.2017. http://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/immobilier/immobilier-indigne/recit-franceinfo-on-nest-pas-dangereux-on-a-juste-besoin-daide-qui-sont-ces-enfants-qui-vivent-dans-la-rue-en-france_2042853.html

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